The Sweetest Sunlight, Nine - Age 16 (Fenrys POV)

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*wolf kisses* 🐺😘🥰


Elena hasn't come out of her room in a week. She won't speak to anyone, won't let anyone in. Won't take a single step past her door. The last time any of us had any sort of contact with her was when it all started.

I can still remember walking through the halls on my way to speak with Aelin when Elena had come fleeing down a corridor, and raced past me without so much of a glance. But it was the tears streaming down her cheeks and the scent of utter heartbreak and despair that had me chasing after her.

She ran to her room and shoved the door shut just as I had turned the corner. But before I could reach the door, Rowan had flown through the open window, shifted, and shot me a look before entering his daughter's room and locking me out.

But being the nosy concerned mate that I am, I snuck off to the room beside hers and jumped from it's balcony to hers soundlessly where I hid in the shadows and wind where my scent would be covered, and watched as Elena sat in her father's lap, her head against his chest, and sobbed.

I couldn't move. I'd never seen her so upset about anything in her entire life. And though Rowan stroked her back and held her close, she didn't calm down, couldn't. Her cries were like daggers in my chest, and with every new one, they twisted and tore bits of me apart.

It was only after she cried herself to sleep and Rowan put her in bed that I left. But the next day her door was locked. And she has not unlocked it since.

A few days ago at dinner, the subject had come up and after a good amount of time discussing what could have happened - though Rowan wouldn't say a word - I'd said how I didn't understand how she could lock herself in her room for so long without leaving.

It was then that Aelin sighed and gave me a pitying look. "What?" I'd asked. "It's because she hasn't been in her room the entire time." she said with an unimpressed tone but went back to her cake. "How do you know?" Aedion had asked. "Because it's what I would do." she said and that was that.

Sure enough, when I went to look the next day, her scent was in a trail from the walls and balconies to the gardens and then out to the mountains. But as I sensed it was made a few days ago and I could tell she was still in her room, I left it alone and went back inside.

Amuru was coming in a few days which was good news like I hadn't heard in a while. Perhaps he could help calm her down and make her smile again. Those two I know will always be friends, so I hope he can bring her some comfort. But I want to be the one to bring her comfort and to hold her while she cries. So I suppose that's why I'm here now.

Standing outside her door, I try to drag up the courage to knock. I know that she'll be able to smell my presence and part of me fears that she'll ignore me or shout at me to leave her alone. But I've been rejected by her before even if that wasn't how she meant it, and I can do it again.

Lifting my fist to her wooden door I give two resounding knocks. I wait, wait for the sound of her footsteps, the rustle of blankets, the call of her voice, wait for anything that shows her acknowledgement of my mere existence. But it doesn't come.

I almost wish that she had shouted at me. Told me to leave or to jump into an ice river. At least then I could have heard her voice. But when nothing comes, my hand opens up to press flatly against the door and I lean my head on the carved wood.

Another minute, another moment, but she doesn't come.

Sighing, I push off from the door and am about to leave when my eyes lock on her door handle. It's been locked for over a week straight. But I can't help myself and my hand reaches down for the metal.

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