Blood of Sand, One - Age 17 (Elena POV)

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Sand. Endless sand. Hot, dry, endless sand.

Or in other words: The Red Desert.

Cresting what feels like the one million, four hundred thousand, seven hundred, and sixty-ninth dune, Almuru and I stop and take a look over at the expanse of the desert. The complex coloring of the fiery sand sets the dunes ablaze with the fading light of the evening sun. Like a thousand rubies, garnets, jasper, amber, fire opal, and sunstone glistening together in the planes of red.

"Look! There it is!" Almuru's voice sounds deep and scratchy under the cloth that protects his mouth from the sandy winds, and our thirst is no help either. But I follow his broad hand that points south-west. To the oasis, and toward the adobe fortress nestled in between two towering sand dunes.

The sessiz suikast. The silent assassins.

Sighing of relief through my own cloth that guards my mouth, I nudge my friend on the shoulder and drag up enough energy for a mischievous wink. Sensing my attempts to lift out spirits, Almuru lifts a brow and holds out his arm for me to take as we begin our descent down the slippery dune. The first hint of humor or joy we'd shown for the long hours it took to walk here, without an escort at our request.

Almuru and I, for whatever reason, distrusted the man who was originally supposed to offer us an escort to the fortress and declined his offer to take us through the desert upon meeting him. Something about him just didn't sit right with me and Almuru sharing my very thoughts and mind quickly sent him on his way and we alone set off for the journey.

Trying my best to handle the shifting sands with my usual grace, I'm eternally grateful for Almuru's outstretched arm that I find myself bracing against more than once. But if I can master the avalanches of my northern homeland then I can learn to handle some sand!

Steeling my spine and shoulders back, I release my hold on Almuru's arm and offer up a grim nod to my icy friend. We both know what roles we have to play. We both know what we'll have to do in these next few months of spring. What we have to protect. And what we stand to lose if we fail.

Almuru returns my nod, and I see ice crystal over the edges of his midnight-blue eyes and start to make their way inward, softening his blackholes to mere blue. I know that the flames from my eyes have been doused out, and the essence of our powers now shoved down deep. And with one final breath, the light inside me dims, the flames are put out, and the wolf is caged.

Or at least for now.


That was the first day we came to the desert a month back. The first time setting foot inside the home of the silent assassins. Still, my fire rages, still my wolf howls, and still the call of the sun beats down on me in barely bearable heat, but hair remains down, my posture is drooped, and the immortal grace and stillness about me hidden far below the surface.

Not human. But not undoubtedly fae. Demi fae perhaps or maybe just a slight magic wielder. Not the true immortal princess I am at heart, but a mask to wear whilst I am here.

"Be careful ok?" "What, worried for me are you? I'll be perfectly safe you know." "I know, but with you so far from...home. Just be on guard." "The lands are safe you know. Besides Almuru and I can handle ourselves." "I know you can, but...for your parents, don't do anything too stupid ok?" "Oh please! My parents have caused more chaotic messes than I ever could." "I thought you'd take that as a challenge!" "Don't tempt me Fenrys, or I might just have to set a new record."

For whatever reason, that conversation that I had, the last conversation I had with the member of my mother's court upon leaving, has stuck with me, to the point where I often find myself replaying it over and over again in my head throughout my days.

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