Hell Of A Birth, Three - Age 3,1/2 (Fenrys POV)

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Fair warning: I wrote this a few weeks ago but then had to rewrite the ending so the flow my seem a little off.

Also.. 400!!!! WHAT!!!! Thank you guys so much!!! 🙈🥰🥳

Anyways enjoy!

"That is a horrible story!" Elena wails from her position of lying across my legs as I sit on the library floor. After being scolded for the monstrosity that was the state the castle was in after "light wars", we've been having slightly quieter fun. Such as reading though books together in the library.

"Why go through all of that, just to decide to go back home!" she grumbles.

"You'll just have to rewrite it." I say and poke her stomach.

"Oh no. I don't write, I judge other people's writing." She nods to herself. "Besides if I were to write something, I'd make a whole new story of my own, not someone else's crummy work."

"Yeah? What would happen in your story?"

"All kinds of things, adventure, laughter, and a warrior!"

"A warrior?"

"Yes! A strong female warrior, who can kick anybody's ass with blade or magic! And she'd have a best friend too. A really funny one, who goes with her on adventures."

"Sounds like a fun story." I hum.

"I wish I had a best friend." She sighs.

"You have me." I say and she looks up at me with a disapproving frown. "You're old."

"No, Lorcan's old!" I say and drag out the old nice and long. She giggles and leans back against my legs. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get along great with their new child."

"But what if the child doesn't like me?"

"And why would that happen? You, Evangeline, and Sorcha all have a great time together."

"I suppose." She sighs.

"Hey," I say and run a hand over her hair. "It's going to be great."

She smiles, and then gets a mischievous look in her eyes. "You know what would be really great?!" she looks up at me, batting her long lashes.

"What?" I ask cautiously.

"A rooftop picnic!" She smiles and wrinkles her nose like a bunny.

"Oh really?!"

"Yes! Pleeeeeeease!!!!" she squeals.

"And how do you suggest we get up there?"

"You can use your magic to take us up there!" She says like she's the smartest fae in the world.

"Well.. Alright. If you run to the kitchens and grab us some food, I'll take us up there." I give in.

"Yay!!!" she claps and leaps up, running for the door. But someone beats her to it. The door opens to reveal Nox, Aelin's personal messenger. After the war the two reunited and he traded his job with Lord Darrow to working for Aelin, the upgrade of the century if you ask me.

He smiles when seeing the young princess, and she jumps into his arms. "Uncle Nox!! What are you doing here?" she asks, still in his arms.

"I was sent with a message for the princess of Orynth." He says putting her back down, "Do you know where I could find her?" he teases.

"Uncle Nox! I'm the princess of Orynth!" she says, hands at her hips.

"Are you really?!" he asks, faking surprise, and she smacks his leg.

"What's the message?" I ask, getting up and walking over.

"Elide has birthed a son. Her majesty sends for you two to make the journey to Perranth to meet the child." Nox announces.

The next hour passed by in a blur. Cases were packed, wagons were loaded, and Lord Darrow was notified of our immediate departure, who was looking after Orynth while Aelin was away. But finally we were settled into the carriage and were on our way to Perranth.

Nox was coming back with us (should Aelin need him again) but he preferred to go by horseback, so Elena and I had the carriage to ourselves. Slumped against the curtained window, and plush seats, sat the treasured princess. Her usual proud posture replaced by curved shoulders and darkened eyes.

It hurt to see her like this. I'm not used to this empty silence, and seeing it coming from her struck at my chest, like nothing else can. Silently I slide across the green velvet bench to where my mate sits. Elena doesn't move, but I know she knows that I'm here. Gently, I reach out a hand and tuck a loose strand of hair behind her delicately pointed ear. The sun stretches through the window and sets her golden locks on fire, illuminating the slight reds and sliver that brush through her hair.

"Elena?" I softly ask. I hear her give a sigh, and she turns to look at me with caution decorating her green and blue/gold eyes. Pushing herself up away from the window, she tucks her nimble legs under her other side, and leans against my broad chest. Scents of sunshine and nutmeg wash over me, along with the young fae's emotions of anxiety and anticipation. I can feel her heart melt into rhythm with mine, as my arm drapes around her, and rubs soothing circles on her slender arm.

I wait. I know she needs to talk, to get out whatever it is that she's feeling. But I also know that she needs to be comforted in silence, to be soothed and reassured without talking. So I wait, stroking her arm, and hugging her to me. With Elena, sometimes just being here is enough.

"What if he doesn't like me?" she whispers after about half an hour or so. Her soft voice folds into my chest and settles into my bones.

"Is that all you're worried about Starlight?" I huff a laugh. Everyone who's met her has loved the little princess, even cold hearted Manon smiled when meeting her (the event of Elena's first Wyvern ride was one of the scariest in my entire immortal life).

"I've just.. I've never had a real friend before." she clenches her small fist around my shirt, "I don't want to screw it up."

Ahh. This is a problem for her. Once when she accidentally wrecked an important scroll for a visiting noble, he muttered that she was a screw up princess. Being fae, Elena heard and didn't tell anyone, until he had left Terrasen (so none of us could hunt him down). Since then, she's tried very hard to be perfect when it comes to her royal duties. I can also tell that it's hard for her to be Aelin and Rowan's only child. The shining heir of Terrasen. She needs a friend. A friend her own age, and now that Elide and Lorcan have had a child... She sees this as her one shot.

"Hey," I tell her, pulling the little fae into my lap. "It's going to be great."

"How can you be so sure?" she asks, looking up at me.

"Because somethings you just know, and this is one of them." I smile, and run a hand through her silky hair. She leans in closer to my chest and rests her head on my shirt.


I smile again, and bend forward, brushing my nose against the top of her head and through her hair. "I promise Starlight."


First: no, I did not have a specific book in mind when I wrote the part of the beginning, but rather tried to get the emotion when you're disappointed with the ending

Two: Welcome back Nox!! I hope you guys like what I did with him (definitely the upgrade of the century!)

Three: I don't know how many of you have experienced this, but constantly my parents will bring me to meet their friends kids and it's one of the most awkward things ever!! (Although sometimes it ends up great) so I tried to express that here with Elena and (yes you guessed it) Almuru, since Elide and Lorcan are such a big part in her life.

Let me know what you guys think, and if you've ever experienced something like this.

-Leia 🙃🥳

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