Birth Of A Star -Age 0 (Fenrys POV)

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Hello fandom!
So thanks to all the wonderful support I've been getting I decided just to post the next chapter!

"Is she going to be ok?"

"She's going to be fine, but she requests the rest of you wait in the sitting room."

"What!?! No! Aelin!!" Rowan yelled marching for the closed door. "Aelin let me in!"

"She says she would like only Lady Elide and Lady Lysandra present for the birth as well as Yrene and myself." The doctor says again. And the two ladies of the court, give Rowan pats on the shoulder and go through the door to the bedchamber beyond.

"Don't worry so much. It'll all be over soon." The man says and walks back through the door, shutting it tightly.

"I'm going to punch the teeth out of that man!" Rowan snarls and turns so his back is leaning on the door.

"She's going to be ok Rowan." I say, an attempt to calm things down, although my own voice shakes. Vaughan steps closer to Rowan pats him on the shoulder. Never one for wasting words.

"Was this what it was like at Sorcha's birth?" Aedion asks. For a split second I hear the voice of Gavriel and mistake his presence for his son's, but then the moment passes by and I'm left missing my friend. More than friend, teacher, companion, father, brother.

"Not quite. I wasn't allowed in the room, and even though Yrene was surrounded by healers from the Torre Cesme, it was just as stressful. But that all washed away when I held her for the first time." Chaol said from where he stood by the window.

Sorcha: Chaol and Yrene's child was born two years ago, and it was one of the biggest events in Adarlan due to the multitude of healers that came from the Torre Cesme to help with the brith. It seems Yrene has quite a lot of friends overseas.

"And what-" Ren starts but is cut off by a scream of pain, coming from the closed door. Rowan spins around at lightning speed and wrenches the door open, splintering the lock, and almost ripping it off the hinges.

"AELIN!!" he shouts sprinting for the bedchamber. He meets the doctor but after taking a good look at the warrior's face, the man steps aside. Rowan flings the entry door open, and bolts for the bed, and his mate atop it.

"Aelin, Aelin, Aelin." He says over and over again, as she painfully twists her head to look at him. "Aelin I've got you. I'm here. Together fireheart." He says and tucks a stray lock of her golden hair behind her ear. She looks at him in a way I know they're having a little private conversation, mate style. After a long moment of glares, sneers, and growls, she eventually nods.

"Alright, he can stay but the rest of you: OUT!" Lysandra says and starts shooing us out the door. "Yes, even you Aedion! Out all of you! Out!"

We're pushed and shoved out the entry door, and back into the hall, although the door remains open, thanks to Rowan. "Shall we go to the sitting room?" Ren asks and we follow him to the room down the hall.


The time passes on like no end that I've ever felt before. Being an immortal you would think a few hours would feel like nothing, right? Wrong! For some reason beyond my knowledge this is the hardest time I've ever had keeping still. And that's saying something.

A few of us try to make light conversation. But none of it lasts. Our minds are all on the queen and her king-consort in the next room, and the soon to be newest member of the royal family. After what feels like centuries, Lysandra enters the room bearing good news: "She's ok. They both are. You may come in slowly, one at a time."

The rush out the door is unprecedented to anything I've seen before. Somehow I manage to get pushed to the back of the line, and let me tell you: having to look at the faces of the people leaving the room makes the wait all the more unbearable. But finally I'm allowed into the bedchamber with Lorcan and Vaughan.

The room smells strongly of blood, and the "miracle of life" but all I can think about is the couple sitting together on the large four poster bed, and the small child in the queen's arms. Rowan barely looks up at our entry. He looks to be just trying to get through with the greetings before he can be alone with Aelin and their new child. But Aelin on the other hand looks proud to be showing off her new daughter.

"Fenrys, Lorcan, Vaughan, meet Elena Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius." Aelin announces proudly and smiles down at her daughter. She was a small little thing, with a few curls of golden hair, and chubby arms. But the most distinct feature she had was her eyes: one turquoise eye with a ring of gold, one purely pine green.

She smiled sleepily at her father who refused to tear his eyes off her, but then she turned her head and looked upon the gathered males. And as her big multi colored eyes settled over me, I felt a deep sensation in the pit of my chest. There was a warm feeling, growing, like a fire was igniting. As if I'd been physically yanked, I fell to my knees and froze. Her scent wafted toward me, and my nose was filled with the scent of beams of sunlight, and soothing nutmeg. And then I felt it: a pull, as strong as if there was a rope attached to my chest, I felt the overwhelming need to: hold her in my arms, bring her as close to my chest as possible, to always be there for her, comfort her, make her laugh, be close to her, and protect her from all harm, to never leave her side.

When Connall died, it was like a dark hand reached into my chest and ripped out a hole. I felt empty, lost, numb. We were twins, brothers, mirrors. And I didn't know what to do anymore. But then Aelin and I escaped, and there was the war to think about. But after it all ended, it was like a dark cold night with no morning to come. But now.... Now looking at this child, this girl, this princess, I feel the sun begin to rise, to banish the darkness inside of me, to make me whole again. And I know. Yes, now I know.

"She's my mate." I choke out.

Hello again!!
So here's what happened in the very beginning of the story. And as I'm sure a lot of you guessed: they are mates!! Now the reason I decided to write and post it like this is because it's mostly from Fenrys POV and I thought it'd be more interesting if I tried it like this. So let me know what you guys think! And after this I won't be posting till sometime next week! Hope you enjoyed it!

-Leia 🥰😘

Starlight of a MoonbeamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora