Chapter 2: Otherworldian Fighters

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Otherworld, the Arcosian Temples. 782.

The temples built by Arcosians of Otherworld; a vast landscape with many monuments, buildings of amazingly high tech with an orange/yellow filter to it. They were beautiful; before many guards had come to make sure no-one was in and out. Why?

Recently, many fighters from Hell had been escaping and fleeing to locations where the highest concentration of their kind could be found. King Yemma, in spite of this, had a new force rise up. The Otherworldian Fighters, a group of amazingly strong warriors and soldiers alike grouped into one to make sure that if more people from hell leaked out, they could be stopped and sent back to Hell.

Their roster includes:
Freyzion; an Arcosian of Legend, took down Arcosia and wiped out nearly every Arcosian of evil spirit.
Son Goku; Earth's former protector, a God amongst Saiyans.
Piccolo; Namek's Greatest, the strongest Namekian to live.
Janemba; The Guardian of Hell, a man of unknown race that had been in the Otherworld for millions of years. A Myth Among Men.
Shin; The Supreme Kai, a man not dead, but native to Otherworld.

And only two arrived, Son Goku and Freyzion, who was also mentor to Goku. Goku entered the Arcosian Temples, branding his classic gi.

Freyzion branded grey natural armor, purple gems in his chest, head, shoulder armor and leg armor, a guard over his mouth, a red under-eye and red irises. Though, he did have scale-like skin, and his eyes were dragon-like. He had spikes in random places, and his tail had spikes as well.

"Why are we here again, Freyz?" Goku asked as they both entered the Temples, "I mean, for a place filled to the brim with guards, you'd expect there to be some big fight or somethin' going down."

Freyzion didn't reply for a minute as he scanned the area, "Apparently, another Arcosian slipped through the gates of Hell, and the energy said Arcosian gave off is also radiating in small amounts here," Freyzion spoke in an echoed voice due to his mask-guard, akin to Cooler's mask in his full power 4th form, "It matches that of Lord Cooler's. Cooler is missing as well."

Goku's eyes widened as he turned to Freyzion, "Cooler's? Haven't heard from him in a while,"

"You know Cooler?"

"Frieza's brother, yeah. He came to Earth with his battalion, searching for me," Goku said, "I was in absolutely no state to fight, but I eventually beat him using Super Saiyan, a long time ago. Back when I was in my late 20's."

"That long," Freyzion spoke as he walked deeper into the Temples. Many crowds had formed, "Wow. You beat Cooler with only Super Saiyan. He's more powerful than Frieza, well was."

Goku nodded, before putting his hands to his hips, "Honestly, with this many people escaping Hell, which was hard for ME to do, I'm startin' to suspect foul play," Goku suggested,

"I highly doubt it," Freyzion said as he inspected a crowd for an Arcosian that matched Cooler's profile, "Hell's Guards are self-righteous people, people amazingly pure that you couldn't imagine them doing anything to let anyone past," Freyzion confided in Goku, "Don't blame everyone for escaping though, nor would I blame the guards letting them past."

Goku seemed confused at this claim, and crossed his arms, "Why?"

"Have you seen Hell? Yemma turned that place into a prison. Monitored at all times. Sometimes restricted if you did something the rules spoke against," Freyzion said, "It's changed a lot since, say, the Ages 770-781,"

"Hopefully Piccolo and Janemba's searches are going well," Goku sighed as he began to sense the crowds, "Also two questions; What's Shin doing in these searches, haven't seen him in ages. Second, when's our next training session to that Dragon Form thingy that you wanted to train me into?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 | Dragon Ball Uncover - No. 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora