chapter fourteen|| see the imperfect person perfectly

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"Do you need some time, on your own." I sang along to Rose's favorite song while I cleaned around the house a little. It was sunday and I didnt know when Rose would decide to come see me so I wanted to be ready.

I stopped cleaning the kitchen counter when the guitar solo came along and started playing along on my air guitar as I jumped around the kitchen, enjoying myself. I had become very found of the rock band and now understood what Rose liked about them so much. Just so much talent in one place.

I fell on my knees when the solo finished. I felt a sudden stare on me making me look to the entrance of the kitchen. Rose stood there, staring at me. I felt my cheeks heat up as i realised that she had seen my air guitar solo. "Rose, i'm sorry you had to see that." She shook her head and walked towards me. She went on her knees and grabbed my face. Without any hesitation, she kissed. i smiled and kissed her back.

It soon became a heated make out session. I pulled her in closer and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance which she agreed to as she opened her mouth. She pulled me down with her and her back hit the kitchen tiles. I put a hand on her waist and the other on the floor beside her head to support my body.

My lips left hers and they traveled to her neck. I started kissing, biting and sucking, making her moan. The simple noise made my pants tighten. "Liam." I heard her voice between moans. I pushhed my crotch against hers, making a moan escape my mouth this time.

"Liam. I can't." My body stopped moving at her words. She let out a sigh and sat up, bringing me with her. "I'm just not ready for this Liam." I looked down and nodded. I didn't mind the sex part but I knew she was also talking about the dating.

"But I really missed you." She tried to lighten up the mood which worked. I looked up at her and smiled. "I missed you too Rose." She blushed a little and rolled her eyes. "I can tell by the fact that my favorite band is blaring through your speakers." It was my time to blush when I heard the song that i now knew as yesterdays playing loudly. I got up off the ground and held my hand out for Rose to take.

"May I have this dance?" I asked. She giggled as she watched me. "It's not exactly a slow song." I shrugged and she grabbed my hand. I pulled her up, putting one hand on her hip and kept the other in her hand.

We dance for hours, having to restart the album at some moments. It was one of those nights that were unforgettable. We danced and talked. That was all we needed.

"What's your favorite quote?" I asked the young girl in my arms as we danced to a slower song. She didnt seem to think long about It. She blushed, embarrassed by the quote she probably loved so much. "Don't laugh." She told me. I nodded, getting excited to hear.

"To achive love, one must learn to see the imperfect person perfectly." The girl who didn't believe in love and was scared of it. This was her favorite quote. I smiled and leaned down, leaving a small peck on her lips. A knock was heard on the front door, interupting our little moment. I let out a groan but decided not to answer. The person at the door wouldnt take no for an answer and kept knocking. "Ill go get it." Rose said but I stopped her before she could go. "No I will. I'll be right back." I kissed her nose, making her giggle and went to open the front door with a giant smile.

It soon fell when I opened the door, where I was met by my parents. "Suprise!" My mom exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. My mom let go of me and grabbed her suitcase. "Can't we suprise our son with a visite?" My father asked. I let let out a sigh. "Of course you can. It just isn't exactly a great moment." I bit my lip. My parents both frowned and my father was about to speak when both their eyes darted behind me.

The small head of the girl i loved peaked out of the kitchen. She starred at my parents before looking at me. I slightly smiled. She looked back at my parents and smiled brightly but shyly. "A girl. It's a girl!" My mom exclaimed. I looked back at her to see the biggest smile I had ever seen on her. She ran up to Rose, hugging her and they quickly disapered in the kitchen.

"Who's this girl?" My dad asked once we were left alone. "Rose." He nodded before frowning a little. "Since when do you listen to Guns n' roses?" I shrugged. "Rose is a fan." He laughed and grabbed his bag, walking past me and into the kitchen, me following behind.

"Do you have a job Rose?" My dad asked when he walked in. I knew he would ask something like that. He always wanted to make sure that I wasn't seeing anyone who was with me for my money.

"Yes. I work at a book store halftime. I also go to college. I'm a major in literature." Both my parents watched her in awe. Not only had I found someone I was really into but she also had her future planned out.

"You know, Liam doesn't see many girls. He must really like you." My mom said, making me blush. More like love. Rose glanced at me with a small smile. "I guess were more alike then I thought." Rose told my mom, making her frown in confusion. "What do you mean?" Rose looked at me for a moment, signaling me thatshe didnt want to say it. She wanted me to tell my parents.

"Rose doesn't believe in love which is the reason we aren't together." I told them. My mother looked at Rose a little shocked. She then looked at me and shook her head a little. "Me and your father will be upstairs putting our bags in the guest room." She shot my dad a look and he followed her up the stairs, leaving me alone with Rose.

"Please stay with us." I begged Rose who rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips as she walked my way. "You met my whole family and spent hours with them. I wasn't planning on going anywhere." she wrapped her arms around my torso and looked up at me. I smiled. "Good. Maybe we could all watch a movie or something?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her. She nodded.

"Do you even own any movie's?" She asked and I shook my head, making her laugh. "Harry left a movie here last time he came. It look's old but robin williams is in it so it must be good." She smiled and watched me. I bent down a little so my lips could reach hers. I gave her a sweet kiss that was quickly interupted by my mom. I never though I would say this but my mom is really being a cockblock today.

"Oh sorry I wasn't meant to see that was I?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and Rose laughed. She leaned up to kiss my cheek and then let go of me, walking over to my mom. "Were going to watch a movie!" She exclaimed making us all laugh.

We walked in the living room where my dad was already sat down. My mom went and sat next to her husband. Rose made her way to the dvd so I sat down. "Dead poets society!? I love that movie!" Rose smiled widely at me. She put the movie on and proceeded in coming to sit with me. She cuddled in my side and the movie started.

The movie ended with a sobbing Rose in my arms and my mom crying in my dads arms. Dad gave me a look and took my mom to bed without a word.

"Stay the night? I could drive you home early tomorrow." I asked, hoping she would agree. She nodded and got up, making her way up the stairs. I followed her into the bedroom, coming to a sharp stop when Rose started getting undressed. She stripped into her her undergarments and looked back at me, smilling. She was enjoying this.

"Whats wrong Liam?" She asked, making me gulp nervously. "Nothing." She sat down on the bed, waiting for me to take my own cloths off. I took off my shirt and her small fell. It was her time to gulp. I took off my pants and walked towards her. I pushed her down on the bed as she looked up at me nervously. I simply pecked her lips and lied beside her.

"Goodnight." And I fell asleep feeling proud of myself.

A/N: So... are you all liking the story?

well that was steamy huh. do you guys want them officially together or do you prefer them like this?

i dedicate this chapter to my bestie silver_woods because i love her sooo much and she is such a talented writer! so go check out her stuff!

until next time,





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