chapter twelve|| pushing me away

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we had left early the next morning and I drove Rose home before I went back to my place. A couple days had passed and I didnt get any news from her. I didnt have her number and I wouldnt dare ask Zayn for it. I did ask him if she was alright a couple times and he always answered that she was just a little busy.

I walked out the house one afternoon and was thankful to see Mrs. Cook out front. "Hello Mrs. Cook. Do you happen to know where I could find a book store?" she looked suprised by my question and so was I. I wasnt the type to read but after seeing Rose read so much, I decided to try it out. "About four blocks from here theres a small book store. Its my favorite one." I thanked her and made my way down the road.

I arrived at the small book store really quickly. I walked in, making the small bell on the door announce my presence. I froze as I looked at the store. I had never stepped in a place like this and had no idea what to do. I heard a throat getting cleared making my head snap in the direction of the noise.

"Since when do you read?" Zayn asked as he leaned on the front counter. Behind it sat Rose, a book opened in hand. They both wore black shirts with their name tags on them, letting me know they worked here. Rose had looked up from her book and was smilling at me while Zayn looked very amused by the situation. "Since today."

"I would help you but I a lot of books to rearange. Im sure Rose can help though." Zayn winked at me before walking over to shelf of books. I turned to Rose and smile. "Im new at this." I told her, making her laugh a little. " I can see that."

"Any sugestions?" I asked, pointing to the shelfs full of books around the store. "What type are you into?" She asked as she put her book down on the counter and made her way towards me. I shrugged. "I dont know. How about you show me your favorite one." She nodded and made her way to a shelf, me following behind her. She pulled out a red covered book. It wasnt thick but it wasnt thin either, it was just perfect.

"I reall liked reading this one when I started reading a lot. It has romance so I hope you dont mind it." She handed it to me. A kiss in time. "What is it about?" I asked. "Its a modern version of sleeping beauty. This time, the princesse sleeps for over 300 years and so does her whole kingdom." I nodded and stared down at it.

"Want to do something tomorrow night?" I asked, wanting to spend some time with her. I felt eyes on us just then and I could see Zayn looking at us from the corner of my eye. I looked at Rose as her face seemed to fall and she looked down. "Not really."

"Next week maybe?" I asked hopeful but she shook her head. My heart broke a little as she refused. I looked at Zayn for help but the look he sent me told me that he knew this would happen. The bell at the front door signaled a new client, giving an excuse for Rose to leave. "I have to go help a client but you can pay for your book at the front. Zayn will take care of you" And thats just what I did.

As soon as Zayn arrived at the counter I started talking. "Whats going on?" I asked. He sent me a small smile as he put the book in a white plastic bag. "You should think feel of yourself as a lucky person." i lowered my voice before i spoke, making sure Rose wouldnt hear my next words. "How am I lucky if the girl I love doesnt want anything to do with me anymore?" I asked, getting frustrated as it hit me. She doesnt want me. Not as a friend, not as anything.

"Rose doesnt believe in love so of course if she statrs falling in love, its going to scare her." I stared at him, confused as to why he was telling me this. Then it all hit me. Zayn smiled and handed me my bag. "Here, its on me. Good luck Liam." I nodded and looked back at Rose who was speaking with a young women. She smiled and I felt my heart beat faster.

I walked out the store and started making my way back home. I started reading my book right away, wanting to go back to the shop as soon as I could to see Rose. Maybe she would understand that there is nothing to be scared about.

I finished my book on the weekend and knew that Rose was visiting her family so there was no use in going to get a new book. I called my mates, not wanting to be alone in my thoughts. We all sat on my couch drinking beer as we chatted.

"Wheres Rose?" Louis asked. I looked down at my beer not answering. "What happened mate?" Niall asked this time. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "She got scared of her feelings." The boys all stared at me, shocked.

"May I know why you arent trying to show her that theres nothing to be scare of?" Harry asked. I decided it was the moment to tell them about that little detail about Rose that made the relationship difficult. "Shes 17" I blurted out. It was silent for a moment after that as they all took time to register the imformation. "Ill make it better.Iill show her that she shouldnt be scared. I just need some time."

"Its a 7 year difference Liam." Louis said, making me roll my eyes at him. "Do you love her?" Harry asked.

"More then anything." I answered. He smiled. "Then the age shouldnt matter. Shes mature for her age anyways. Right Louis?" We all looked at Louis who looked unsure but nodded. I smiled, thankful.

Now all I needed was to get Rose.

I went to the book store often and continued watching her from across the road every lunch. I knew she noticed my efforts but she decided to ignore them until one day when I walked in the store looking for a new book.

I had been reading more and started enjoying it. I prefered the movies but the books were still very good. I read the more I could so I could have better conversations with Rose and have an excuse to come here.

My heart sped up as she walked up to me. "You have to stop coming here." She told me. I put my hands up at the level of my shoulders. "Im just here to get some books. You dont want to throw out one of your best clients." She rolled her eyes at me and walked away.

She was pushing me away and all I wanted was to be close to her.

A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR! i spent all new years eve writing this chaper as i watched the party happening in new york with the boys.


i hope you guys are liking the story as much as i am.

until next time,





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