Chapter twenty|| Forever

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"Are you sure about this Liam?" Harry asked me for the millionth time. We were on our way to rose's place to help her move in with me. The smile on my face was starting to hurt but I knew it wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

I let out a sigh. "Yes dad. I'm certain." Instead of laughing at my small joke, he rolled his eyes. "This is serious Liam. You guys haven't been dating for that long." Niall nodded in agreement. "What if it doesn't work? You will be stuck living with her." Niall added.

"Shut it you two! Liam knows what he's doing." Louis snapped. They listened and stayed quiet for the rest of the short ride.

When we arrived, I ran out of the car and in the house. Literally ran. The boys followed me, walking. I ran up the stairs and to the bedroom where I knew Rose would be.

I was right. Rose stood in the middle of her room with her arms crossed. Everything in her room was packed. Everything except her bed sheet. And so she stared at them with a frown.

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, putting my chine on her shoulder. "Anything wrong?" I asked. She let out a sigh and turned in my arms facing me. She leaned up and pecked my lips. "We have a problem." She stated.

I frowned. A problem was certainly not what we needed right now. This day should be perfect. "What is it?" I asked.

"My bed sheets are too childish and yours are just grey. Which ones do we keep?" I laughed, shaking my head. I was so scared that we had a real problem. but this was nothing.

"We can just buy new ones Rose." I told her and she nodded. She closed her eyes and groaned. "Sorry I'm just nervous. This is so new for me." She explained. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "I understand."

"You can be all cute and in love later. Right now we need to move some stuff." Louis interrupted us. We laughed a little and got to work.

Most of the things in her home, I already had so we didn't need to bring much things. Chanel had come over and picked up everything Rose was leaving behind. She was moving in a new home herself and needed some things.

Very soon, all her things were in my place. well, our place now.

"Thanks for the help boys." Rose thanked our friends. Louis waved it off. "It was our pleasure Rose." She giggled a little.

She turned towards me with a small smile. "Do you think I can kick them out now?" She asked me. The guys laughed at this. They were right in front of us and could obviously hear her.

That was one of the things I loved about her. The confidence she had at moments and how she didn't care what people thought about her. Her very silly jokes that made everyone laugh.

Her beauty. I was still taken aback by her beauty. Physically and personality wise. The giant heart of gold that she carried. How she had chosen me out of everyone was a blessing. She was a blessing.

Sometimes I would wonder if she really loved me the way I loved her. I wondered if she was with me only because she finally found a good guy that would respect her.

But then she would look at me with those amazing eyes. I would recognize the way she looked at me. It was the same way I looked at her. Eyes full of love and admiration.

"No need. We will leave you two to it." Louis winked at me and I flushed red. Of course he had to think in a dirty way. Typical Louis.

Rose walked them to the front door while I sat down on the couch. I was a little overwhelmed with everything.

Just a few months ago, I had seen her for the first time in that coffee shop. Just a few months ago, I had fallen for her at first sight.

Now here we were. She was my girlfriend. We were officially living together. And most importantly, she loved me.

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