Chapter nine || master bedroom

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Soon after, everyone was outside. Some people were swimming in the lake while others were just talking and drinking. Everyone here was legal, except Rose of course but nobody seemed to mind that she drank. I sat down with her by the lake and we talked. I was frustrated when my phone started ringing. I took it out from my pocket to see that Louis was calling me. I decided to ignore it but Rose told me that I should answer, and so I did.

"Mate, what are you up to?" I heard Louis almost screaming in the phone.

"Im with Rose." I simply answered. He somehow cheered which made me laugh. "Really? Me and the lads are on our way to your place then. They have to meet her!" He exclaimed.

"Were not at my place Louis." I let out an exasperated sigh. I wasnt ready for the lads to meet Rose. We werent anything but friends. "What? Where are you?" He asked. I looked at Rose, unsure if I should tell him. Rose smiled and nodded since she could probably hear the whole conversation. "Ill text you the address." He cheered again and I hung up. I didnt know the address so i passed my phone to Rose without a word. She knew what to do. "This is so cool Liam! Im going to meet your friends." She gave me back my phone after she sent Louis the address.

"They all think were together." I told her. To my great surprise, she shrugged. "Is that a bad thing?" She asked. I lied and shook my head. It was bad. They were going to ask her so many question and embarrass me. Not to forget the fact that they would tell everyone at this party that we are dating.

In less then an hour, Louis' car stopped right beside mine. The windows were open and music was blaring in the cars speakers, getting everyones attention. I put my head in my hands and groaned in embarrassment. Out walked Louis followed by my two other mates Harry and Niall. They started walking toward us screaming my name. They didnt even drink, they were naturally this weird. Rose had jumped out of her seat and met them half way, giving Louis a hug in greeting. Louis then introduced her to Harry and Niall. I decided to get up and join them.

"Rose, this is Harry and Niall." Louis pointed to each boy. Rose smiled and stuck her hand out for them to shake. Harry grabbed it but didnt shake it. He brought it up and placed a kiss on the back of her hand. I glared at him and he simply shrugged. Then she stuck her hand out to Niall. He looked at her hand and shook his head, making her frown. But before she could do anything, Niall pulled her in his arms, giving her a bear hug. She smiled. When he let her go, i stepped forward, putting my hand on her lower back like earlier.

"Look at this! Our little Liam has a girlfriend!" Harry exclaimed. Rose blushed and I wont lie, so did I. Louis rolled his eyes at our tomato red faces. "Im glad to meet Liam's friends." Rose smiled. Louis looked at the two other boys and nodded. He came towards me and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Rose. "Louis what are you doing?" I asked. I looked back to see Harry and Niall talking to Rose, who looked extremely uncomfortable. "I want to meet her friends." Louis told me. Just then, Chris stepped in front of us with a frown. I groaned. I didnt want to deal with him at the moment.

"Who said you could invite your friends here? Its not like you and Rose are dating or something." My eyes widened. Louis took a step forward. "First off, were friends of Rose and second off, they are dating. Get your information straight." To my surprise, Chris laughed. Loudly.

"You both realize that Rose doesnt date, right?" Me and Louis looked at each other for a moment and looked back at Rose. She was standing a little too close to Harry for my liking. I turned back around, trying to ignore it but it hurt, a lot. "Oh and why is that Mr. Know it all." Louis asked as he crossed his arms across his chest. Chris rolled his eyes. "She doesnt believe in love."

I stayed as far away from Chris the rest of the night and barely talked to anyone. Louis tried to convince me that Chris was lying but something was telling me otherwise. Rose seemed so innocent and independent. She never needed a men in her life and she was glad with that. I wished I could change that. Show her that love exists and that its great. I want to show her how she can be treated like a princess. Make her feel butterflies in her stomach for the first time. I just wanted to be that person who will make her feel.

Rose stayed close to me the whole night, talking with everyone. She would smile and look interested in whatever people were telling her but i knew she didnt care. I knew she just wanted to be anywhere but here with all her friends. Her smile would fade when whoever she was talking to left. The only person she didnt smile around was Zayn and I knew then how close they were. She didnt have to fake anything around him.

It was around two in the morning when Chanel whistled to catch everyones attention. She cleared her throat and looked down at the paper in her hand. "I have the bedroom plan here." She stated. People grabbed each others hands, hoping they would be put together. "Like you all know, Rose made the plan so if theres a problem then too bad for you." Everyone laughed. Rose, who sat a couple feet away from me rolled her eyes. Chanel started calling out names. I ignored most of them. I only registered that Zayn and Brittany were together. Harry, Louis and Niall had to also share a room. I started thinking that i was forgotten when almost everyone was named but then my name was called.

"Rose and Liam in the master room."

Everyone stared at me. I dont blame them, I would be doing the same. Rose moved and sat closer to me. She didnt seem to care that all her friends were starring and at that moment, neither did I. All I could see was Rose who stared up at me with a slight smile but also embarrassment. I didnt know why she would be embarrassed. Maybe because of what people were thinking. I didnt know. I couldnt read her innocent mind.

"I hope thats alright with you." I wasnt sure if Rose was asking me a question or not but I nodded anyways. It was more then alright. It was perfect.

"Its getting late. Im going to bed." She whispered a couple seconds after everyone went back to what they were doing. I nodded. "Ill be there soon too." She smiled and left. I barely had a minute alone before Louis arrived.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked sounding frustrated. I frowned at him, confused. "Shes basically asking you to join her so why are you still sitting here?" He didnt have to explain this to me twice. I was up and going before he could say anything else.

I walked inside and to the master bedroom which was upstairs. I knocked first, feeling like it was more polite but no answer. I quietly opened the door to see the most beautiful site on earth. Rose had fell asleep, the sheets only covering half her body that was now in under garments. Her mouth was slightly opened with her hair everywhere.

I decided to just go in my boxers also so i got undressed and quietly got in bed with her. I watched her sleep for a while until I decided I was safe for a cuddle. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her body into my chest.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard her small voice whisper.

"Good night Liam."

A/N: i just finished writting my story 'petrified' so ill be editing that soon!

I hope u liked this chapter and sorry it took so long i had writers block!

Until next time,


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