Arc 4 Chapter 38: Undying Love

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Why was she forced to go through endless suffering!?

Why had the god Jupiter targeted her...

Why couldn't she just take her death orb and cease to exist-


Suddenly the Villain blinked away her bleak eyes with a sense of revelation.

She realized something.

She didn't possess nothing.

She had that...


She had that!

In the next instant the Villain did something that would forever change the two's fate. For in the next second the Villain took out her one and only sacred possession.

The Villain reached out into the system space and brought it out.

The Villain pulled out her glowing death orb.

"This-this is filled with so many energy points from hundreds of worlds, surely... surely this will be enough to revive you Jun."

The Villain's words sounded good, too good to be true!

For truthfully she wasn't in the right state of mind.

After all in the back of her mind she knew, she knew not to give him such a dangerous thing!

Although the orb was filled with so many energy points, the amount was far too great for any human soul to handle!

After all, the orb was the Villain's death orb.

Long, long ago the Villain had already turned the energy orb into a deadly grenade ready to destroy one's soul upon consumption.

It simply contained too much energy!

Any normal soul would immediately be overwhelmed and shatter from the amount of energy being received.

Yes, it was her precious death orb after all.

She had always intended to swallow it.

The Villain knew this.

She knew this...

However at the same time her mind grew conflicted, clouding over her judgement with thoughts of reviving Jun.

She knew feeding him the death orb would destroy his soul, she knew this... she knew this yet it was the only thing she possessed, her one meager possession.

The only thing that had kept her going all these years.

The only thing that had given her hope.

The only thing she was allowed to keep.

Her single possession...

However in this moment she would give up anything to revive the man, anything.

She simply wanted to see Jun alive again, his gentle smile towards her, his warm hands, his tender lips, his warm embrace.

Her mind was in a chaotic state.

Something inside her desperately wanted to hope that she could revive Jun by giving his dead body the orb.

After all, it was all she had.

She couldn't do anything else.

Whether she gave it to him or not she could already tell his soul was weak. Yes his soul had been fragile in this world, he truly would die regardless of whether she administered it or not.

The Yandere Cooks for the Villain in Each WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin