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Later that night Rebecca watched Colby come back into the house quietly, he'd stopped at his mother's house after going to the police station and Rebecca knew that no matter how old you are sometimes you just need your mom to try and make things better or talk through the crazy ideas in your head.

He kissed her quietly before making his way up the stairs, she heard the door shut and close and she knew he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone about what happened earlier in the day.

She waited for almost an hour for him to come back down but when he didn't she went to him.

She walked into their room and didn't find him like she fully expected and then she heard his voice so she followed it.

She followed his voice all the way to Sophie's room and stood outside the closed door.

"I'm sorry" Colby said and Sophie looked up at him "I'm so sorry I've put you in this situation in the first place"

"Its not your fault" the little girl shook her head

"It is though" Colby looked at her as she climbed into his lap "I've put you through Beth and then Sara, I've put you through your fair share of stuff In the last six years"

"You've made some dumb choices" the little girl nodded and he laughed

"Thanks" he said as he kissed her head

"But you also made a really really really good choice" she looked up at him "You put me through Beth and Sara" she nodded "but you gave me Momma" she said and he pulled her into his chest

"Alright" Rebecca walked into the room "I can't stay out there in that hallway after hearing that" she shook her head as she scooped the little girl up in her arms

"She's right" Colby nodded "It's crazy how a six year old and can make you reevaluate your choices in life.. if it wasn't for this little munchkin, who knows if I would have ever built up the courage to actually admit that I had feelings for you"

"You mean if it wasn't for her locking us outside on a balcony?" Rebecca questioned and Sophie laughed

"Well it worked!" The little girl exclaimed "You're welcome!" 

Raising Sophie - BrollinsWhere stories live. Discover now