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After finding out that the Lopez trio was going to now become a family of four, the growing family decided to take the next week to tell their friends and family and let the news settle in a little more for them before they would be telling the world.

Rebecca's parents were absolutely over the moon and thrilled at the fact that they would now be welcoming a biological grandchild into the family, yes they considered Sophie their granddaughter but to have someone who was biologically related to them was a whole different feeling.

Holly thought her son was joking when he brought it up over FaceTime with her and only believed it when she saw her future daughter-in-law hold the pregnancy test up to the phone. Her son had found the woman he loved more than anything and he was genuinely happy for the first time in a long time.

"Well that was fun" Colby smiled as Rebecca threw her legs over his lap and laid back on the couch
"How much longer until I can tell my friends?" Sophie questioned as she laid on the living room floor with her iPad held above her head
"Well" Rebecca took a deep breath "I have to tell the rest of the world in a few weeks so until I do that you gotta keep the secret just between us for a little bit longer"
"Are you excited to be a big sister?" Colby switched the subject
"Yeah" Sophie nodded "I'm excited to be able to cuddle the baby" she smiled
"What if he just wants to cuddle me?" Colby questioned
"Nah" Sophie shook her head "She's gonna like me more"
"He" Colby corrected
"She" Sophie argued
"We are not seriously going to start this argument about if it's a boy or a girl this early are we?" Rebecca laughed
"Yes" both father and daughter said in unison
"Because I'm right" Colby said
"You wish!" Sophie scoffed

There was a knock on the door and extremely confused looks shared between the three.

They were in the middle of a pandemic and knew that nobody would be coming to visit them. As a precaution the little family had been limiting their social interactions as much as possible.

"Can I get it?" Sophie asked as she stood up
"No" Rebecca shook her head as she stood from the couch and walked to the door only to have Sophie following closely behind her

As she opened the door nothing could have ever prepared her for who was standing on the other side

"Oh my god!" The person exclaimed "Sophie! Look at you!" Rebecca felt Sophie back into her legs for protection
"Bethany" Rebecca said as she looked at Colby who quickly stood up from the couch and walked over to the door
"What the hell are you doing here?" Colby asked quickly as he pushed his little family behind him protectively and Rebecca pushed Sophie behind her
"You two look like you're protecting a little cub" Bethany stated as she looked at Sophie who was protectively hidden behind both of her parents
"Yeah" Rebecca nodded "and you're about to see the lioness come out if you don't start talking"
"Why are you here?" Colby asked once more
"I got released earlier today.. my sentence is complete" she explained and the couple looked at one another, they knew she would be getting released soon "so here I am" she smiled
"I'm home!" She exclaimed

Raising Sophie - BrollinsWhere stories live. Discover now