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Colby watched Sophie as she colored the kids menu in front of her as they sat in the booth at the small cafe waiting for their breakfast, he looked over at Rebecca who was sitting next to his little girl, she was on her phone responding to one of the numerous emails she got everyday.

"Daddy" Sophie said as she picked up her next crayon

"Sophie" Colby matched her tone and the little girl looked up at him with a small smile

"Can I ask you a question?"

"That is a question" Colby nodded and the little girl rolled her eyes at him "Yes" he answered her "You can ask me anything"

"And You'll tell me the answer?" She asked

"That's two questions now that you have asked me" he shook his head with a laugh "Yes, I will answer whatever question you have"

"Okay" The little girl nodded

"That was it?" He asked with a laugh "You just wanted to make sure I would answer your questions?" He looked to Rebecca who took a sip of her coffee

"How are babies made?" She asked and Rebecca spit out her coffee and began to cough as the little girl patted her back quickly

"Rebecca" Colby said quickly and the redhead looked at him with wide eyes "You wanna take this one?"

"I asked you, not Becca" Sophie spoke up as she looked at her father

"I think Becca can answer this better than I can" Colby stated

"I think Becca wants to hear your answer" Rebecca spoke up now and Colby shook his head at her as she took another drink of her coffee

"Broccoli" Colby said quickly and both girls looked at him confused

"Broccoli?" Rebecca and Sophie questioned in unison

"Yes" Colby nodded

"Explain" Rebecca shook her head with a laugh and he glared at her

"Fine" he nodded "When you look at broccoli it has all these different branches, they look like trees.. well those trees have seeds and when a woman eats the broccoli it plants a seed and the baby begins to grow" he explained and Rebecca's jaw dropped as she looked at Sophie who was thinking over the explanation she had just received with a confused look on her face as well

"Wait.." The little girl held her hand up "I was made from broccoli?"

"Yes" Colby nodded and Sophie looked up at Rebecca

"Is that why you eat so much broccoli?" She questioned "Cause you wanna have a baby?" She asked innocently

"It's a special kind of broccoli" Colby stated quickly and his daughter's attention now went back to him "It's a special type that you can only get every so often"

"Oh" Sophie nodded "Wait a second.." She shook her little head "My mommy hates broccoli"

"Well she loved it at one time" Colby grumbled "Couldn't get enough of it which is how you got here in the first place"

"Colby!" Rebecca scolded him and he shrugged 

Raising Sophie - BrollinsWhere stories live. Discover now