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Colby woke up and reached out for Rebecca, only to find an empty spot in the bed next to him. He looked around the room confused, she was next to him when he fell asleep the night before.. that he knew for sure. She was never out of bed before him, she may have been awake for hours but she refused to get out of the bed until the last moment possible.

"Shh!" He heard Rebecca's voice shushing who he could only believe was Sophie "We need to be quiet" she said as he watched the door open slowly

"He's already awake" Sophie said as she threw her little arms in the air "Go back to sleep" she said to him

"He doesn't have to go back to sleep" Rebecca shook her head as she walked into the room carrying a plate with pancakes on it

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Sophie screamed as she jumped on the bed and he pulled her down to sit on his lap

"Thank you" he kissed her head and Rebecca handed him the plate of pancakes that had whip cream and sprinkles on them

"Becca and I made you birthday pancakes" Sophie said as Rebecca sat on the bed "I helped with the sprinkles and whip cream" she noted

"I can see that" Colby nodded with a smile

"Happy birthday" Rebecca said as she leaned over kissed him quickly and he held her there for a moment

"Thank you" he kissed her once more

"I made you a card" Sophie said as she held up the white paper that was folded in half

"Happy birthday daddy.." Colby read "this is some really good handwriting for someone who is still new at it" he looked over at Rebecca

"Becca might have helped a little bit but I traced it!" Sophie announced and Colby nodded as he opened the card and was met by glitter falling in his lap as his daughter laughed

"Sophie.." Colby glared at her "I'm covered in glitter" he said

"It's confetti!" The little girl exclaimed

"It's called a mess!" Colby said as he looked over at Rebecca who was just simply smiling

The rest of the day was spent together, just the little trio, relaxing and not doing much which was a welcomed change from the pace they had been on in the last few months.

Rebecca walked into the bedroom later that night as she saw Colby come out of the walk-in closet buttoning the black button down dress shirt

"Wow" she said with wide eyes and he looked at her with a smile "I can't believe you're getting all dressed up to go on a date with another girl" she shook her head

"Aw come on" he smiled "I have to go on this date, she's very excited"

"Spending your birthday with another girl instead of with me" she nodded "I see how it is.. fine" she folded her arms across her chest and he laughed as he placed a kiss on her lips

"It's a tradition, every birthday Sophie and I go out on a date at the same restaurant.. she looks forward to it every year"

"Don't have too much fun without me"

"We won't" he shook his head "What are you gonna do tonight?"

"I'm gonna go hang out with your mom" she smiled

"Don't let her tell you too many lies" he said

Colby and Sophie went to Bistro's there go to place for special events and days like this one. The dinner was one thing they enjoyed but the conversation was another, Colby was always kept on his toes wondering what his daughter was going to say next.

"Are you gonna marry Becca?" She asked and he laughed

"What?" He asked

"Are you gonna marry Becca?" She repeated herself and waited for his response

"Sophie" he shook his head "We've been together three months, I think its a little early to think about marriage"

"Nuh uh" the little girl shook her head "You love her right?"

"I do" he nodded

"And she loves you.. so marry her"

"It's a little more serious than just loving each other" he shook his head

"That's not what the fairytales say" she said with a shake of her little head "They say that if you love each other you live happily ever after"

"And that can happen" Colby nodded "That could very well be our future but in time" he said and the little girl folded her arms across her chest with a huff, she was pouting "Alright.. why are you so fixated on us getting married?"

"Cause she'll have the same name" the little girl said and he looked at her confused "I want her to have the same name as us.. so we can be a real family"

"We ARE a real family" Colby nodded "Just because we don't have the same last name doesn't mean we're not" he shook his head

"I can't call her mom until you marry her" she said with tears forming in her little eyes

"Where did you get that idea from?"

"Sara said when you guys got married I would get to call her mom.. so I can't call Becca mom until you get married right?"

"Wrong" Colby shook his head "You can call her whatever you want, whenever you want and she has told you that before"

"Just marry her already" she huffed and he rolled his eyes 

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