
With Sonic.........

"Oh HOHOHOHO! Didn't expect me to find you today did you Sonic!?" Asked Eggman with a evil laugh.

"So how did you exactly find us doc?" Asked Sonic.

"Yeah, there is no way you could have found us on this island by random chance." Said Tails.

"Simple, a good genius always comes up with a plan to tract their foes. When you destroyed one of my robots back on South Island, you accidently picked up one of their tracking devices in your quills." Said Eggman.

"What!?" asked Sonic. Alan and Mikoto quickly ran their hands through his quills to find it. Mikoto pulled out a small chip that has the Eggman logo on it. She crushed it in her hands.

"A little too late my dear. In my short defeat by that hedgehog, I have created this special mech to eliminate Sonic." Said Eggman as he points to the robot he is piloting.

"What is that robot exactly? It has got a lot of heads so it can't be design after any animals or any humans." asked Alan.

"Ah.... a fine question and observation indeed young man. This here is my Egg Hydra." Said Eggman as his Egg Hydra roared all of its heads at the heroes.

"Egg Hydra? Really? Pfft! Do you put 'Egg' infront of every creation you built?" asked Sonic.

"NO!.... Not... everything I have created. Just some things I have created" Said Eggman.

"Eggman..... you are going to pay for tricking me to tell you about the Chaos Emeralds!" Said Knuckles as he was furious at Eggman.

"Chaos Emeralds?" asked Sonic and Mikoto.

"Explain later." Said Knuckles.

"Ah.... my dear Knuckles. I didn't notice you there for a second. As for what you said before, I didn't mean to trick you, your just that easy to be fooled." Said Eggman as he laughs at Knuckles.

"Your name is Knuckles?" Asked Alan.

"I will introduce myself correctly after we get him off of Angel Island." Said Knuckles.

"Get rid of me? Oh HOHOHO! Good luck with that. You see, I have a little something that is powering up this Egg Hydra. A Chaos Emerald!" Said Eggman. Deep within the Egg Hydra, there is a Chaos Emerald as its power supply.

"Your using a Chaos Emerald to power you monstrosities?" Asked Knuckles.

"Monstrosities? I think you mean perfection. And I see there is another Chaos Emerald within my sights." Said Eggman as he sees a blue emerald in Knuckles hands.

"Grr...." Said Knuckles.

"I will use the Egg Hydra to dispose of you, Sonic and his little friends and take that Chaos Emerald for myself." Said Eggman before the glass dome covers him back up. One of the Egg Hydra heads launches himself at Knuckles.

Knuckles had his hand up ready for a fight. Before he could, someone pushed him out of the way.

"Look out!" Said Sonic as he pushed Knuckles out of the way. One of the Egg Hydra heads, catches Sonic in its mouth.

"Sonic!" Said Alan with a panic tone in his voice.

"Hehe." Eggman laughed as he caught Sonic in one of the Egg Hydra heads mouth.

The Egg Hydra feet begin to turn on its rocket boosters as it lifts the machine into the air. The Egg Hydra begins to fly near the ends of the island.

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