Chapter 11

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I took a french frie from Darren's plate and leaned against the shelves. "How did you find me Darren", "it just sorta happen", "so you just happen to be in Charming, California and show up exactly where I work". I was being testy with him all I needed was for him to slip up once. "Why don't you take your lunch break and we can go somewhere private to talk", I narrowed my eyes at him being alone with Darren was a bad idea I could think of a ton of reason why. "No I think were fine here", I leaned my elbows on the bar counter and starred at him intensively. "How's Lindsey", I asked. "She misses you we both do", the truth was I missed them both too. "She's part of the reason I'm up here she wants to see you but I told her it was to soon". "When did you and Lindsey meet up", "she was there when I got out". Guilt instantly washed over me when Darren was 18 me and me and Lindsey were 17. Darren was arrested for killing a man and he was sent to county jail. Me and Lindsey promised we would be there for him when he got out. A few months later I left Darren and Lindsey in Flordia and traveled to three different states before landing in Charming. By then I met Jax and my life changed and know guilt was cutting into me like a knife. "Darren I'm so sorry I wasn't there", "its ok Mackenzie I understand you wanted a new start, it just suck you wanted to do it away from me". He smirked the akward tension know gone replaced with his charm. The door swung open and I looked up Jax walked in looking mad as hell. "Jax" I said nervously Darren turned around instantly his muscles flexed. Jax came up the bar "Mack your leaving now" Jax said in a harsh tone. Whatever pissed him off I didn't want to make it worst but I also didn't appreciate this scene right know. Darren stood up and size up him up they were about the same height. Both of them were death glaring each other "you shouldn't talk to her like that", "don't worry about how I talk to my girlfriend what you need to worry about is where your place is". I was afraid they were going to start fighting any minute so I grab my jacket and touch Jax arm. I followed Jax out the DN and to his motorcycle "what the hell was that", he swung his leg over the bike and handed me his helmet. "I'll tell you at the club".


Mack and i pulled up at the garage and i parked my bike Mack got off and shoved the helmet at me "what the hell Jax" i knew she would be mad at me i just hope she would listen to me. "Before you start yelling at me listen when the guy and I went to visit Gale he told me a lot of shit that explains how Darren ended up in charming and how he found you". An uneasy look took place on her face "Gale helped him find you he told him you apart of Samcro and he told he about the garage so don't be surprise if Darren just happens to show up here", "why did Gale tell you all of this", "because the favor he wants us to do for him involves you" I placed my hands on both sides of her arms and looked her in the eye. "You know I love you and I would never do anything stupid and unreasonable to hurt you" I gave her a small smile and she smiled back. "What does he want", " he wants you to help him with a stimulation" "a simulation ?". "He wouldn't tell me anything else, the rest is only for you to hear". "So when do I meet him", "Monday I'll take you to him" I squeezed Macks hand and went into the garage Juice was taking the parts for the motorcycle he was fixing out of the box. "Hey Jax come look at this" Juice called I walked over him, he picked the red side part of the motorcycle and turned it around so I could see the serial number. "These numbers don't match the original ones on the bike" Juice said. I bent down and looked under the side part of the bike and sure enough Juice was right. "Do you think they're stolen", "not sure the first three numbers are the same but last four aren't". "Before you use them have Opie check it out", Juice nodded and went back to fixing a car. I leaned against the wall outside the garage and watched Wayne push Abel on the swing set. The sound of Abel's laughter made me smile I'm glad he was happy if he knew what was really going on around him. I shook the thought from my head and went inside. "Hey Jax", "Hey Amanda what are you doing here", Amanda was an old friend of mine and Taras. She was my height with long wavy red hair, brown eyes a slim waist and perky breast. She was sight to any guy she walked past I use to have a thing for her I even hooked up with her once after Tara left. It was a one night stand and she was ok with it oddly. Her eyes skimmed me up and down "you look good" she said with a smile. "What happened to your eyebrow", "got into a fight", she took a swig from her beer and made a face. "So what are you doing here besides stealing our beer and batting your eyes at my guys", Amanda chuckled. "I payed for it and I was hoping you could help me I need a job", "and how am I suppose to help you with that". "I was hoping I could work here behind the counter for parties and stuff", she batted her eyes and smiled I couldn't resist. "Yeah sure but if your looking for better job there's a part time shift opened down at the DN", "thanks" she finished off her beer and stood up. "See you tonight" I raised my eyebrow "tonight ?". "Your having a party", "I didn't tell anyone we were having a party", "you are know". Her hand slid down my arm as she walked past I turned around and watched her leave. "I don't think Mack would be to happen seeing you checking out other girls" Opie said. I around and he was smiling I laughed.

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