57; Reacting

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reacting•respond or behave in a particular way in response to something.


"Good morning," Roman nuzzled his head into Luciana's neck.

"At least ten more minutes." She groaned and hit him with the pillow.

"Come on my love, the world awaits." He shook her. "Baby."

"God what did I do to deserve to be woken up before nine on a Saturday." Luciana rolled over and sat up.

Roman smiled and walked over to her side of the bed and put her on his lap. "Can I have a hug or kiss before you start getting mad at me?"

She ran her fingers through his hair and placed a kiss on his lips. "Good morning mi amor."

"What's for breakfast?" He asked.

"You can cook for everyone while I shower," she smirked and went to get up but he held her back. "Let goooo."

"No," Roman whined. "I finally have two weeks off and I missed you."

"Vince actually called me the other day." Luciana said, remembering their phone call as he mentioned his weeks off from work.

Roman rose an eyebrow. "What did he want?"

"He asked if I had an idea of when I was coming back." She explained. "We both know I want to go back but how do we do that with three kids under the age of two? We don't."

"I know he's always asking if you're thinking of a new storyline or something." He sighed. "Let's not worry about it right now, let's enjoy our little family."

"Little?" Luciana laughed. "There's five of us now."

"I want more." Roman confessed.


He took her hands in his. "More kids."

"Aye dios mio, you're trying to kill me huh?" She stood up.

"At least two more." Roman pouted.

The boys began to cry, signaling to their parents that they were awake and hungry.

"Well there's your two," She headed towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna shower, make breakfast please."

Chuckling to himself, Roman stood up and went to his sons room. He found only Leati crying while Lasaro just stared at the ceiling unbothered by his brothers cries. Roman stared at his sons, realizing how much they looked like their mom. To be fair, Lanuola was Roman's twin, so he knew Luciana was excited that their two boys had more of her features this time than his.


"Hi mami." Lanuola greeted her mom, watching her in walk in the kitchen.

"Hola mi amor." Luciana kissed her daughters cheek. "The boys didn't wake up did they?"

"Only Leati, he wouldn't stop crying." The girl huffed.

She laughed. "Sorry love, where's your dad?"

"Right here," Roman walked in with the twins. "Just changed their diaper, are you breastfeeding or doing the bottle."

"The bottle." Luciana replied while making two bottles. "I got them, you owe me breakfast."

"For what?" Roman said, looking over his shoulder while placing the boys in their jumpers.

"Waking me up before nine," she smirked. "Right Lanu?"

"Right." Lanuola giggled.

" Lanuola giggled

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