20; Celebration

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celebration•the action of marking one's pleasure at an important event or occasion by engaging in enjoyable, typically social, activity.

"Nina you did it!" My godson ran up and jumped at me. I slightly winced as I picked him up.

"Careful Manuel," Lorenzo told his son. "Are you hurting?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Here papo go with your dad." I handed Manuel over to Lorenzo.

"Que te duele?" Tío Jose asked me.

"Me duelen las costillas y siento que la rodilla está hinchada." I sighed and held my ribs.

Roman came over to me and handed me a water.
"Baby let's go see the doctor."

"No I'm fine."

"Luciana." Tío Tony gave me a look.

"Qué mal duele, escala del uno al diez." Tío Nicolas asked.

"Six." I replied.

"Luciana escucha romano." Tío Santiago pointed at Roman.

"Roman please take her." Tío Jose said and grabbed the belt for me. "We'll wait in your dressing room."

"Fine," I groaned.

Me and Roman walked hand in hand to the doctor, he helped me as my knee would start to give out.

"Shit." I stumbled.

"Woah," Roman caught me. "Just lean into me, I got you."

After being seen by the doctor, he told me my ribs were bruised pretty badly and taped them up. Although my knee was sprained from being stretched too much, which was close to causing a torn ligament. Luckily that didn't happen, I just had to wear a brace and take some pain pills, which I was scared about. Roman had his ribs and right shoulder taped up, but other than that, he just had bruises. I was medically cleared though to compete the next day on Monday night Raw, if I was challenged.

"So Naomi and Jimmy are having a little party tonight for our wins. My family is for sure going, do you think you are up for it? If not we can go back to the hotel and just relax." Roman said as we walked to my dressing room.

"We can go, but only for a little bit. Plus we have Manuel so we wouldn't be able to stay that long." I informed him.

"Okay, sounds good." He smiled and placed a kiss on my lips. "I'm gonna go shower and I'll be back when I'm done."

"Okay," I giggled as he held my face in his hands

"I love you beautiful." Roman kissed my cheek.

"I love you too," I laughed. "See you in a bit." I walked into the my room.

"Heyyyy," Luciano was the first to notice my presence.

"Everything good? Nothing too serious?" Jesus started asking questions.

"What did the doctor say mija?" Tío Jose sat up.

"Nothing serious, my ribs are just bruised pretty bad, so he taped them up. Uh my knee is sprained, but I just have to wear a brace and take the simple pain meds." I told my whole family.

"So he didn't prescribe you anything?" He clarified.

"No, he just said to take stuff like ibuprofen." I replied and grabbed my bag. "I'm gonna go shower, and then Naomi is having a little get together at her house, she invited all of us."

"Whoop whoop party!" All my brothers yelled at the exact same time.

I finished getting ready and exited the bathroom. Roman was already there, talking and bonding with my family. He looked up and instantly smiled when he seen me.

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