Never A Burden Pt 2

Start from the beginning

'Erm Camz, you're drooling' Lauren giggled sarcastically.

'You know what, i don't even care, all i'm focusing on right now are the sweet, crumbly pieces of deliciousness sitting in that grey thing' she pointed dramatically over at the stove. Lauren walked back over and looked into the pan.

'They're almost done' Lauren exclaimed, 'That one's almost perfect' Camila's eyes followed her and stopped as they fell directly to her ass. 

'Yes it is' She thought, however realising she said that thought allowed when Lauren shot her a disapproving smirk filled glance at her. 'What?, i'm allowed to say that after you practically stared at mine all day yesterday' Lauren blushed heavily at her recollection. 

'I wasn't staring i was appreciating' she deflected.

'I say Potatoe, you say potato..' she jested. 

'Actually i say Plantains' she revealed, as she placed the sizzling vegetables onto a plate on the table in front of Camila. 

'Oh my... Lauren I Love you' she proclaimed, practically jumping into her arms and pulling her into her infamous koala hug. 

It's not exactly the same as confessing my 'undying love' but i suppose it'll have to do for now. 

'Dinah was right you are hot' Lauren grumbled as Camila was practically radiating heat.

'I always knew Dinah had good taste, and i'm glad you agree with her' The brown eyed girl teased, not giving up on her winning streak. 

'Well that too, but i meant your fever, get down for a second' hastily running off to find a rag, Lauren soaked the cloth under the cold tap and got rid of the excess water, before returning to Camila who was now seated contently with a Plantain in her mouth. Lauren sat down closely beside her and started steadily applying the damp cloth to her forehead. Camila lost in her blissful food heaven sat up quickly, and smugly grinned at the girl in front of her.

'What?' The green eyed girl questioned softly.

'Did you just call me hot?' Camila marveled. Lauren didn't even try to deny it, not right now, as she released a small laugh, and bowing her head slightly.

'Well i didn't just call you hot, that was like 10 hot seconds ago, it's old news now, you've got to keep up' she mused. Camila couldn't help but smile resting her hands in her lap and locking eyes with the girl pressing the cloth to various parts of her face in an attempt to cool her down. Lauren didn't know it but every compliment she gave her, or everything she did that made her feel special was worth more to her than she'll ever know. And this, today, this whole thing. She gave up an entire day of having fun to sit here and spend time with a sick person then offer to cook them their favourite meal, and then actually deliver on that promise with shining colours. 

If i wasn't ill right now...

'Lauren' Camila uttered.  

'Yeah Camz?' she replied, still flashing her that award winning smile.

Camz, that nickname just... kills me every time.

'Thank you, for all of this. For coming here, for taking time out of your life when you could have been doing a million way more interesting and exciting things than this, and just sitting and taking care of me. I just, you might not see it as a big deal, but i really want you to know how much it means to me. How much you mean to me. Sometimes i think... no i know you don't understand the full effect your words and your actions have on me, when i'm feeling down or upset about something, you always know what to say. You have this way with words that takes my breath away and leaves me feeling whole as if i was incomplete before you came over and filled in the gaps with your wisdom, and long lasting impressionable kindness. It's always the simple things, the small things that you probably think nothing of, things that you like any good human being would do without thinking twice about it. But i rely on them, they're a part of why i try so hard, they keep me going. You keep me going. Earlier, when you said you just wanted to be useful, i was honestly stunned that you didn't even recognize that going out of your way to help someone else was the most useful and selfless thing you could have ever done. You are selfless and compassionate, and you always put other people first. You literally cooked for me, my favourite food of all things and now you're nursing me back to health... You're a miracle Lauren Jauregui, and no one can convince me otherwise. 

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