Part 8

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I know most of you are probably sick of this message but like.. I don't want it to get taken down for copyright... anyways ONCE AGAIN I do not own atla or any of its characters. You have to read part 7 to understand what's happening now. Enjoy!

Katara went for the people on the ground and froze them in place, making it easier to attack them. Akira hoped off Appa and went for some of the fire benders in their tank thingys.

Uncle Iroh: you two nervous?

Aang: a little bit -his hands slightly shaking-

Zuko: hey -Zuko turns to Aang- we got this

Aang: I know it's just.. I'm worried for them..

Zuko: oh come on they look great out there

Aang: I know but what if someone gets hurt..
And what if..

Zuko interrupts him

Zuko: Aang.

Aang stops and looks at Zuko and gives him a weak smile.

Uncle Iroh: everyone the eclipse is starting

They put on their eclipse glasses and watch as the moon slowly creeps over the sun.

They turn back to the others and watch as they make their way to the main fire nation town.

Zuko: come on let's follow them

The three continue to follow them but in locations where they can't see them.

Suki, Sokka, and Toph went up to the town on Appa. Only Toph hoped off to see where the fire lord was when she could see anyone in town. Then they realized that no one was there and their plan failed.

Suki and Toph waited at the town while Sokka went down with Appa to warn the rest of them that the town was empty.

Katara: no..

Toph: -her eyes widened- wait I can feel something down at the volcano!

Then they do that stuff under the volcano but it's different (as in they never find Azula).

They return back to the others to tell them that they couldn't find the fire lord or anyone.

Sokka: but wait we could still claim this island for all the nations if the fire lord isn't here..

Then something happened. Everything started to brighten up again..

Katara: -gasps- were too late..

Sokka: we should get everyone out of here come on let's go!

Toph: -she whispers to herself- come on Aang where are you...

Zuko: Aang that's our cue it's time to go!

Aang: -sigh- alright let's do this once and for all..

The airships arise and make their way to the beach to destroy the boats. Akira was waiting there with the swamp benders and they started to attack the airships. But it didnt do anything and the boats got destroyed.

Aang and Zuko froze staring at the airships as they start throwing bombs down at the benders.

Sokka: everyone come on!! -he motions to follow him-

Toph stays and continues to fight the fire benders.

Katara: come on Toph we have to go!!

All of a sudden a bomb comes directly to Toph's location. Katara tried to water bend it away but she kept missing.

Sokka: NO!!

Suddenly Aang comes out of no where and fire bends the bomb causing it to explode in the air almost hurting a few people.

Katara: Aang..?

Soon after Zuko and Iroh appear and start attacking the other benders. Aang earth bends a rock slide in the fire benders direction and they start to run away.

Sokka: since when could Aang fire bend..?

Aang started to fire bend even more bombs causing them to blow up. And Zuko and Iroh worked together to blast others away.

Zuko and Iroh went to the others to lead them to safety.

Zuko: quick this way!

But then Katara stopped everyone.

Katara: wait why should we trust you?

Uncle Iroh: I don't think you have a choice..

Hakoda: I'm afraid we all won't be safe tonight..

Sokka: wait why not..?

Hakoda: our only way to leave this place would be on Appa though we all wouldn't be able to go on his back..

Aang comes running over to them

Aang: I can't fight them all come on Zuko!

Aang and Zuko run over to where the fire benders are attacking and then they look at each other.

Zuko: lightning?

Aang: lightning.

Then they both get in position and start doing the motions then start to produce lightning.

Zuko looks at the airships and Aang looks at the tank things and they both shoot.

Perfect hit! The airships go down and Aang blast the tanks far back giving them time to figure out what they are gonna do.

Aang: we did it!

Zuko: to be honest I didn't think we had it in us...

Aang smiles at Zuko when Sokka chimes up.

Sokka: EHEM care to explain?

Zuko: no time. We have to figure out what we're gonna do..

They talk about it and come to the conclusion of what they did in the show.

Hakoda: alright the smaller benders or non benders go on Appa the rest of us will surrender..

Then they leave with the same people as before except now Zuko, Akira, and Suki all went on Appa as well.

(I just realized that Suki would have been in jail from ba sing se but let's just say that she got out somehow)

The group is in the air on Appa now on their way to that air temple.

We end it here since this was only based off of the invasion. Next part will be all about them at the temple. (And yes Katara can blood bend but Sokka doesn't have his space sword.)

See you oct. 21 for part 9!

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