Part 4

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Once again I do not own atla or any of its characters. And in my story Zuko leaves the fire nation before the invasion (you will see why soon)

Aang woke up all tied up in ropes. He tried not to move as it would alert whoever has him tied up. He can only see the back of the person but it looks like they are fire nation. Aang looks around trying to find something to get him free but nothing until he thinks of his air bending. Aang was on the floor and the boat was an oval sort of. Before Aang could air bend the strange person turned around that's when he spoke.

Sp: (Strange Person) I know your mad at me and want to hurt me but let me explain-

Aang: -now a bit mad- Zuko! What do you want from me?!

Zuko: -his hands out in front of him- please just let me explain

Aang: what are you going to do? Bring me to your father and-

Zuko: I want to join you

Aang: ...

Aang: explain.

Zuko: -turning away from him to steer the boat- when I chose Azula instead of you and Katara I know it looked bad but I knew that if I didn't side with her I would have gotten myself killed. But when the time was right I snuck out and broke my uncle out of prison -he moves some boxes to reveal his uncle on the other side sleeping-

Aang: so you don't want to hurt me... or use me?

Zuko: no. I finally realized that I didn't need my fathers approval to earn my honor back I earned it back my own way... somehow..

Aang: wait so why am I tied up then? -he starts to squirm-

Zuko: oh sorry about that I didn't know if you were going to attack me so it was there until you trust me..

Aang is unsure about this whole thing but he trusts Zuko. Zuko goes and cuts the rope that was holding Aang and hands him a cup of tea that he made.

Zuko: -holds tea out to Aang- tea?

Aang: sure... -he takes the tea-

Aang: -sips the tea- so where are we going..?

Zuko: -steering the ship- well I heard your friends going to a specific spot before the invasion so I plan to have us nearby and teach you fire and uncle can teach us lightning maybe and once the eclipse is over we can hop out to defend them

Aang: Zuko... that's actually a really good plan

Suddenly iroh wakes up.

Uncle iroh: prince Zuko have we made it there yet? -he says in a sleepy tone-

Zuko: -smiles that he's awake- no not yet uncle but I made some tea if you would like some

Iroh agrees and Zuko hands him the tea and iroh l o v e s it (obviously it's because it was jasmine tea)

Time goes by and they are finally at the spot.

Zuko: -turning to face the two- alright were here

Aang and iroh get out of the boat and Zuko ties the boat to a big rock shaped like a pole that Aang earth bent up.

Zuko: -finishing tying up the boat- alright so this is where we will be until the invasion, I made sure that they wouldn't be able to hear us if we shoot lightning-

Aang: sorry to interrupt but what about Toph won't she be able to feel that we're here?

Zuko: -turning to Aang- I thought of that so this huge piece of rock that we are on right now is actually not connected to the rest of the island but the boat is keeping it from floating away

Uncle iroh: smart..

Zuko: now -clap- let's learn some fire bending

Hours go by and iroh is teaching both Aang and Zuko the true fire bending and by the next day both of them could produce fire!

With the others..

They started to go on there way to the place they will stay at until the invasion. Sokka has his eye out for the island, Momo is sleeping with Appa, and katara and Toph are sleeping in their rooms.

About an hour goes by when they finally reach the island.

Sokka: -jumping off the boat and face planting into the sand- l a n d

Katara: -crossing her arms staring at sokka- oh relax it wasn't that long of a ride

Toph: -laughing- let the guy live Katara

Katara: -now looking at Toph- well it wasn't that bad

Sokka: -spitting sand out of his mouth- easy for you to say

Now Toph is just sitting back and watching them argue while the others set up camp.

A long pause goes by while they set up everything when Katara speaks.

Katara: -practicing her water bending- isn't it a little bit weird how when we talked to Aang smoke covered him and he was gone?

Sokka: -shrugging his shoulders- maybe he did it to get away..?

Toph: you know while we talked to him I felt two people coming towards us then they were gone as Aang was...

Katara: strange...

Sokka: -he jumps- wait what if they snuck up on us and took Aang!

Katara: -now alert- wait that's a possibility.. but no way he's the avatar...

Toph: -relaxing on the ground and lifts her hand pointing to the sky- a HURT avatar though..

Katara: -now worried- oh no what should we do!?

Toph: -putting her arm down- there's nothing we can do the invasion is in 4 days I mean-

She pauses.

Sokka: -now looking at her- Toph..?

Katara: -coming over to her- you okay?

Toph: -sits up- yeah.. it's nothing..

She felt someone land near them..

Now your caught up with both sides the next part will contain: Aang and Zuko training, the others arriving for the invasion, and will someone find out about where Aang and Zuko are? Find out tomorrow!

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