Part 14

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I know your sick of me saying this but it's so I don't get copyrighted 😅.
I do not own atla or any of its characters. This is my original story. Also sorry this took so long to get out! Enjoy!!

As the gaang were getting ready for the school day. Aang out on his hat, Katara hid her necklace, Zuko put his eyepatch on, and Sokka took his hair down.

Aang: Katara, can you check if the hat covers my arrow?

Katara looks to Aang.


She goes over to him to check his hat making sure his arrow is covered. Aang started to turn red.

Toph called for Sokka to come over to her. He goes over to her and she points over where Katara and Aang were.

"Sooo when are you two lovebirds done..?" Toph said completely smirking.

Sokka bursted out laughing and Katara and Aang were just beet red in the faces. Katara just splashed some water in his face, causing him to fall down knocking into Zuko.

Zuko turned to face whoever knocked him over and just started at the mess that was going on.

Zuko: what... happened...

"What you didn't hear any of that??" Suki stood up and asked.

"Nope... I always drown out all other sounds when I'm busy.." he said back to her.

"Maybe I should drown you..." Katara mumbled to herself.

Toph jumped in.

"Enough you guys have school to do!"

Sokka groaned. "Do we haveee to??"

Katara just stared at him, then said, "you were the one that wanted us to do school" she turned away to face the enterence. "And besides, if we didn't go, we wouldn't be able to stay."

"How so?" Suki asked.

"We have already been caught by the adults. If we don't go and just roam again after we have already been told to go to school, we will get in trouble and that could danger our mission."

Sokka looked to the ground then looked back up to her. "Fair enough" he said to her.

"Then let's go we can't waste another minute" Sokka said basically dragging Aang with him.

Aang: okay okay I have legs I can walk on my own

Sokka let go of him and they started their way to the school.

They pass one of the kids that go to their school, they didn't see the kid at first but they saw the gaang.

Kid: hey guys!

The gaang looks over at the kid not recognizing him.

Katara: I'm sorry.. do we know you..?

Kid: no.. but I go to your school... I was just gonna tell you we don't have school today

Aang looked to the kid questioned.

"Why's that?" Aang asked. "We usually don't question why the school closes down, but all I know is that this usually means there is a festival later tonight!"

He waved to them then happily skipped away.

Sokka: wonder why the school closes down...

Katara: don't question it like the kid said, we don't know what kind of trouble we could get into if we find out..

They start on their way home telling jokes to pass the time. Then when they were about to turn they run into Suki and Toph.

Katara: what are you guys doing her-

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