Part 6

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Sorry this is late I have a lack of inspiration for this part. Again I do not own atla or any of its characters. Enjoy! ❤️

Aang and Zuko continued doing their forms but this time Zuko used his lightning. Aang had learned how to redirect it so he was ready. Zuko shot and and caught it and blasted it on the wall next to them.

Uncle iroh: -clapping- very good both of you, take a break

Aang and Zuko go and grab their water bottles when Iroh went over to Aang.

Uncle Iroh: Aang?

Aang: -looking at Iroh- yes?

Uncle Iroh: when your ready to practice I want you to try lightning again..

Aang: -spitting out the water in his mouth- what but I'm not ready!?

Uncle Iroh: -smiles- I know you can do it -he starts to walk away- when your ready meet me in the center...

Aang and Zuko finish their water breaks but Aang goes to the center while Zuko is working on his stance.

Uncle Iroh: here's a tip, when your about to produce lighting you should keep your hands at a distance unless your shooting it out or else it will backfire in your face..

Aang: -smiles at him- thank you I will keep that in mind

And he does. When he begins to do the motions he reminds himself about the hands and he starts to create lightning!

Aang: -wide eyed then looks at Iroh- I'm doing it!

Uncle Iroh: focus. Lighting is something you have to have your attention on at all times

Aang looks back at his hands and moves into the form for when he's about to shoot it out. He readys his hands then points at the wall of the island. The lighting runs through his hand then onto the wall!

Aang: -jumping excitedly- I did it!!

Zuko gives him a thumbs up and yawns.

Zuko: I'm pretty tired

Aang: I think we all should be getting a good nights rest.. the invasion is in 2 days..

Now with the others

Toph was allowed to watch Aang and Zuko from a distance (as in they would practice off of the floating rock) and she would always say she went to practice her metal bending or just went and scanned the island.

Sokka: -sharpening his boomerang- Hey Katara isn't it a bit weird how Toph just keeps running off..?

Katara: -stops her water bending and looks at Sokka- I mean it is a bit weird and how she just leaves for a long time and comes back to say it was "just practicing"...

Sokka: but she's our friend and we trust her.. so I guess that it's true..?

They just brushed it off and Toph came back and said the same thing once again. And soon enough, the rest of the invasion people came.

(It would be one day until the invasion rn)

Then all that same stuff about the invasion happens accept Aang isn't there. As in Sokka fails at his speech thingy and stuff like that. Then they go and sleep in their tents getting energy for the next day.

(Aang and Zuko have gotten like really good with lightning while that stuff was going on so they were ready)

Sorry this took so long to get out I had no inspiration once again but next chapter will be longer or at least I will try to make two parts tomorrow.

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