Part 3

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Once again I do not own atla or any of its characters but Akira is my original (unless Suki already had a sister named Akira).

Akira and Suki started to head towards the ship in their kyoshi outfits. They had made sure that the people that weren't warriors were staying in their homes. Akira was weary ever since the last time a fire nation ship arrived, so she made sure that they were ready to fight if necessary.

Aang on the other hand was up by the window watching and one of the crew spotted Aang and alerted the others. The kyoshi warriors started to attack to defend Aang but the crew was just too strong. So Aang ran. He hid in the house he was in and he thought he had to help them. So he got up and earth bent a rock slide that the kyoshi warriors dodged but the crew got hit accept for one.

He knew that he couldn't do much so he went to try and get away.  One of the kyoshi warriors came in the house Aang was in before he left and she told him.

Kyoshi warrior: -holding out a key- here take this so you can escape go to the back of the island there is a boat ready to go it just needed the key!

Aang: -takes the key- thank you for your help and I will end this war for us all!

Aang takes his glider and jumps out the window. He starts flying when he saw that one of the crew members was a water bender and they were trying to bend water to get Aang to come over to them. But he dodged all the water attacks. He got to the back of the island where a boat was sitting and he took the key and turned it. It took a second but it was ready to go. But before he could move the ship water froze all around it.

Katara: -tears in her eyes- AANG!!

Aang: -looks to see what froze it and spots Katara- w-what?

He saw a hole in the ground and also saw Toph, Sokka, and the rest of them.

Aang: -rubbing his eye- guys?

Then it all went black.

The others POV

They started their way to kyoshi. Sokka was showing his father where they lived. Katara was watching the water in the ocean when Toph walks over to her.

Katara: -notices Toph- hey Toph -she says in a sad tone-

Toph: hey...

Toph: -trying to make her feel better for a second time- hey you know.. when we were on the other island I felt he wasn't there.. but...

Katara: -now looking at Toph- but?

Toph: I did feel him in the direction of Kyoshi island so he might be there...

Katara: -confused- wait you've been to kyoshi island?

Toph: once. my parents were doing some business and no one could watch me while they were gone to I had to come with them...

Katara: oh.. -she looks at the ground thinking about their first time on kyoshi with Aang-

Sokka: hey there it is! -he points to the upcoming island-

Katara: -looking up from the ground- he better be here...

Toph: don't worry I will be able to tell if he's here...

They land on the front of the island where some of the kyoshi warriors were. Then Hakoda looks around at the place and spots a house at the top. He looks closer when he realized that was Aang. As soon as Toph touched the ground she shouted.

Toph: hey everyone Aang is here!

Hakoda: -pointing to the house Aangs in- he's in there!

The kyoshi warriors begin to fight them in Aangs defense. This goes on for a few minutes when Suki and Akira appear.

Suki: -running towards the group- wait!!

Sokka: Suki!!! -now running towards Suki-

Suki and Sokka hug and talk for a second but Akira interrupts.

Akira: ahem. Mind telling us why your in a fire nation ship? -she crosses her arms-

Katara: well we hijacked the ship so no other ships out at sea would recognize and attack us -she explains the rest-

Suki: oh.. well why are you here?

Sokka: We needed all the help we could get to find Aang but since he's here we can just go get him..

Akira: well I don't think he knows who you guys are -she points to the window where Aang is-

He just then earth bends a rock slide that the kyoshi's dodged but the others except Toph didn't. And no one saw but one of the warriors has slipped away to the house and came back without anyone realizing they were gone.

Toph: -surprised- wow I didn't know twinkle toes had it in him..

Sokka: -now looking at Katara- we have to go get him..

Katara: -looking at the house- yeah let's go

But before they could walk 10 steps Aang jumps out the window. As soon as he jumps Katara starts throwing water in his direction but missed him every time.

Toph: -staring a tunnel- I think I know where he's going come on!

The rest of them follow her and they make it to the back of the island where Aang was.

Katara: -her eyes full of tears- AANG!!

Then everything went black.

Atla (my original version)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu