chapter 9

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(Erin's POV)

I at once jumped launching my body on him. We landed on the floor, all the while his arms formed a cage around me. I was crying hiding my face in his neck, hugging him tightly. His hand rubbed up and down my spine, his lips kissing the side of my head.

''You're such a carver! You played with my heart so long.'' I mumbled against his skin. I felt him chuckling. I smacked on his chest.

''Ouch!'' he groaned then I realized that my whole weight was on him.

''I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?'' I was getting up but he pulled me against his chest again.

''Babe, this is not the first time you fell on me. Remember the first time?"

"yeah, I remember well. You made me faint" I half smiled remembering the sky diving day.

"You know what God sent you for me. From heaven right down on me''

''Yeah and you took such a long time to understand it.'' I snuggled.

''Huh! like you understood everything. If you understood everything then you would have known the reason why I always ignored you.'' he argued.

''just ignore? You always drove me away and what about those insults?'' I argued back.

''I didn't wanted to drive you away '' Harry stopped for a while and again said, '' Even I always wanted to stay around you. I just feel so relieved whenever I was near you.''

''Then why did you drove me away?''

''It wasn't like hated you. Actually I didn't want you to go in front of my friends or talk to them. You know how they would pass it out on media. I just tried to keep you away from the gossip. Besides, you were looking like a candy.''.

''Hmmmm. I see.'' i nodded.

''What?'' he asked.

''That you are a very jealous, over protective dork.''
Harry laughed.

''Yeah you can say that. But you know the real reason I did that coz I still like to annoy you''

"oh I know!''

I pinched him.

"Whoa! It hurts. What are you doing?''

''You stay here. I'm going''

I tried to get up but His arms remained tight.

"Wait, where are you going?''

''Please let me go now. Do you have any idea how long I've been in here? My friends, they are maybe looking for me.''

''Yeah, your gang. I better let you go now. But they can't keep you forever, at one time you can't untie the knot.''.

''What that means?'' I asked perched on his chest.

''Nothing. Gonna tie you.'' He said and kissed my cheek, making me warm.

I smirked and got out of the room. Outside his room I double checked if anyone was there to caught me. But thankfully there was no one. I danced on my way, all happy and excited. Suddenly my mom's voice startled me.

"Erin! You're not dressed yet? It's almost evening. The party will start soon. Go get ready" She ushered me to my room, giving me no chance to say anything and left.


What was the party about again? Yeah I had no idea. But I decided to take a bath. A nice long warm bath to process everything that happened to me throughout the day.

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