chapter 3

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(Harry's POV)

I saw how her tears were streaming. I hated myself for doing that to her. But she didn't know the reason nor could I tell her. How could I tell her that I didn't want her to come in front of my friends because they were local boys, stalker and flirty. That I won't like it if they flirt with her. I would have lost control and snapped. That would be enough for all the newspaper to go crazy. I didn't want her in any drama. Besides, she was so beautiful and way too inviting for those boys in her jersey dress. My stupid possessive mind made me react that way. I didn't want to be rude but she started to debate and they were there so I got out of my mind. Now I was feeling so sorry for hurting her.
''Hey Harry. Where did you get lost man?'' one of my friend called.
I came back to my senses. I wanted to go and hug her so badly. Her shocked face was still vivid in my eyes.
''Nothing. I'm coming.'
I closed the door with a thud and went inside figuring that she would hate to see me now.

(Erin's POV )

How stupid that I couldn't follow my own decision. I tried not to cry in front of my friends, not because they would judge me, because I thought I was stronger than this, but I was wrong. I was crying and they were trying to stop me but my tears won't listen to them either.
''Erin, my sweetie, please don't cry. Look we'll punish him.'' Tanya tried to console.
''I thought Harry is a kind person but I was wrong. He's a carver.'' Mary said in a sour tone.
''What he thinks of himself? Erin deserves better than him'' Sandy added.
''I understand it. He's playing with her. I just wanna slap him. How he dared to hurt her!'' Onia overbursted.
''Please guys, stop nagging him." I finally said in a calm voice, "It's not his fault. It's my fault. He never loved me. I always ran after him. He never felt that way'', my voice broke in sob.
They understood. they understood that I was totally broken then. Broken by my own expectation. In a way It was right. Harry did a right thing, if he didn't act that way I never would have realized the truth. I was determined this time. And I would stick to it. I won't bother him again and move on.

(Harry's POV)

After that hideous night I was done with all my hesitation. I decided to apologize to her. No matter how hard it was I was ready. but from that day Erin never came in front of me. I never saw her. I wasn't that brave enough to just go to her room and apologize to her, she had a gang with her. Despite that I peeked here and there looking for her but she never showed up. She was ignoring me. That made me angry but eventually I realize that I was responsible for that. So I forgot and was ready again. But she wasn't being easy, adding to that my cowardness. It also happened that I returned home and Erin was drinking water in the kitchen but as soon as she saw me she left the place. Even at dinner time Erin didn't join us. Either she ate early or she had her dinner in her room. Most of the time her friends joined her. It continued like 3 days. 3 long days. I was restless then One day I saw Erin and her friends were gossiping in the living room, all giggling.
Guess what they were talking about? Boys. Great! And Erin looked happy too. How stupid! Here I thought she was mourning that I'd hurt her. I could clearly see that she was in no need for my apology. I was burning in rage.
''Come on, leave this room right now.'' I said interrupting their gossip
''What? You can't say like that Harry'', Onia said.
''Why? Don't you like us?'' the little one asked. What her name was? Mary or whatever.
''May be he's afraid'' Sandy said and they all begun to laugh.
''Hey girls, don't be so fool. Harry is trying to spend some time with Erin. That's why he said to leave the room'' the curly head, yeah, Tanya said.
And they laughed again. Erin was silent but told them to stop.
''Shut up'' she said in an authorative voice.
Fine she was playing cold. I can be colder.
''Look, I don't have time to fight with you guys and I didn't mention anyone to stay here. I said leave this room, all of you.'' I snapped.
''No. We won't. first tell us the reason'' Tanya argued. Great! Now the whole gang was on defense mode.
''I don't think I've to explain specially to you all'' I replied.
''Then we also won't leave this room'' Onia said.
These girls were getting on my nerves.
"hell! Get out.'' I was angry.
''You can't shout like that. Wait I'm calling your mom and telling her how you are insulting us'' Sandy threatened me. That lean girl just threatened me. It was not going to be easy, they all were trying to harass me.
''Enough girls. Stop this. We're leaving this room, right now.'' Erin ordered in hard tone. She stood up and left the room. After giving me all the death glare Her friends walked behind her I was sure they didn't want to let me go so easily. But as Erin said they had to do it because they love her so much. Yes, they loved her so much that they fight for her. They stood up for her against me. The hated me too. Guess I deserved that. After all I was the one hurting her.

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