chapter 4

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(Erin's POV)

No matter how hard I tried not to care about Harry Styles I just couldn't. downstairs while the girls were annoying him I saw how helpless he looked. I knew they were trying to harass him and I should have been happy but I couldn't. I was getting angry at myself. Why couldn't I just move on?
A hard noise brought me back from my self-loathing. I walked slowly near the staircase and peeked. There were a bunch of boys. maybe they were Harry's friends. Suddenly the flashback of Harry's insult ran through my mind. I was about to go back to my room but then I heard, at the down of the stairs
''Look, how they are enjoying'' Mary's bell like voice said with anger.
''We have to do something. I just can't take this insult.'' Sandy said, her eyes bulging with anger.
''Erin is hurting because of him. We can't let him go so easily.'' Onia agreed.
They were planning to harass him. I thought they had let it go. I couldn't just leash them on Harry. Only I knew how dangerous these little figure of Mary and Sandy could be. Onia was a little bit understanding but she cares about me too much, that was dangerous too. And there's no need to talk about Tanya. Her curvy figure with long curly hair was already a warning. I saw Four sly master went to the kitchen and After some time, they went to the living room where Harry and his friends were gossiping. I started down the stairs ,I wasn't sure what exactly they were up to so I was standing there, observing the situation,
''Hello guys, how about some snacks''
Tanya said and kept the plate of French fries on the table.
''What are you doing here? I told you not to come.'' Harry spat.
Then Sandy entered there with a tray of drinks.
''Why are you being so angry? We are just serving. Let's go Tanya. We're done here.''
They left giggling. Everything seemed fine. But they couldn't be that generous. I went to the kitchen to check. There, on the counter, was sprinkle of red chili powder. Of course those French fries and drinks were full of pepper and chili powder. I immediately ran to the living room. Harry was about to take a piece of fries but I threw the plate from his hand. All of them were surprised at my behavior.
''I'm sorry." I said after a while. "Don't eat these food, these are full of pepper. They did it out of fun. I'm apologizing for them'' I said in a demure voice. None said anything, they all were just looking at me. I was just about to leave but someone grabbed my wrist. I turned and saw it was Harry, his eyes imploring.
''I'm sorry'' he said holding my gaze. I couldn't speak. Maybe I was imagining again. After all I've been the one getting wrong impression. He was just being polite in front of his friends. I averted my eyes from him as they were messing with my mind. He was about to say something but i didn't even let him speak, I released my hand from his grip and left the room. Whatever he had to say I didn't want to listen. Now it was his turn to get hurt. No I never wanted to hurt him. It's me. I don't want to get hurt anymore. He hates me and it would be better to stay away from him. That's what I was doing. I consoled my mind.

(Harry's POV)

I thought she hates me. Her avoiding me and ignoring me all the time at least convince me that she did. But I was completely wrong. The way she launched herself to throw the plate from my hand, the fear in her face that I might eat a silly fries full of pepper proved that she cared. She cared for me. She cared for me so much that after all my rude behavior she came to rescue me from peppery drinks. I saw how hard it was for her to look at me. I've hurt her so bad. I couldn't control myself then. I needed to apologize. For a second I thought she had forgiven me when she grabbed my hand. But she was releasing her hand. She was maybe shy because my friends were there or I did hurt her so bad that a simple apology wasn't enough. I groaned in frustration. Her absence was hurting me. I missed her, we've been apart for a long time. And my stupid ego was responsible. She did try to continue our friendship but I was upset about her moving to California that I ruined 3 years. I set up my mind this time, anyhow I would win her apology.

THE Wildest DREAM Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora