Don't tell anyone

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Lonnie's POV

" who would do this to Jane? " I said out loud not realizing that she had woken up. " Lonnie?? What are you doing here. " she asked. " you asked for help and when I founded you want, you had fainted. " I replied hugging her. " Owwww!! " Jane screamed. " oh my gosh I am so sorry. I just... I would never know what I would do without you, " I said crying. " Hey. It's okay. I am just a little bruised. " she said. I literally flipped out, "you are not okay. You looked like you got beaten up. Wait  did you?" I said worried. As she hmm nodded I could feel anger building up. I felt like I was could punch 500 Mal's which I would never do. I was about to carry Jane to our room when a voice spoke from behind me. "Jane... What happened?" Said a familiar voice. " Mal. Evie, " I cried, " Can you help me? "
Evie's POV

Me and Mal followed Lonnie until she stopped. We hid behind the wall as she went in. We waited a few minutes. We herd screaming and crying. My heart was breaking. Me and Mal opened the door to see Lonnie crying and Jane beaten up. " Jane... What happened? " Mal asked since I was on the verge on tears. " Mal. Evie. Can you help me please? " Lonnie cried. " Oh my gosh, yes of course but what happened. " I asked crying. Mal went to comfort me. Lonnie shrugged and carried Jane back to her dorm room. We helped her get cleaned up. I got Doug's wheelchair from when he broke his legs and his arms brace. We got her into the wheelchair and started heading for the door but Jane stopped us. " Hey guys, " she said, " Can we keep this between us. I don't want the boy's worrying. " " Are you sure? " Mal asked. She nodded. "Okay, but what we going to tell the boys and your mother?" Lonnie asked. " Tell my mother that I fell down the stairs and we are not going to tell the boy's anything. I can walk with help from you guys. I will tell them that my arm started to hurt. I am going to avoid any questions even if that means that I don't see Carlos or the guys that much. I just need to be alone or just with you guys. Okay? " Jane said. We all nodded and helped her out of the wheelchair and headed down stairs for lunch. When we got there the boys didn't notice her arm but after awhile they started to notice.
Jay's POV
When the girls came in we didn't pay attention. Then Carlos looked closer at Jane. " Jane. Are you ok? " Carlos said worried. " why wouldn't she bro? " I said. "Maybe because she has marks all over her neck and face." Carlos exclaimed . I looked closer. " Oh my god... Jane are you okay? " we said. " I am fine. Why does everyone keep in asking me that. " Jane screamed and tried to walk off but couldn't until Mal, Evie and Lonnie helped her. Carlos was trying to figure out what was happening when Jane almost collapsed to the floor. "Jane!!!" We screamed. " I am fine now leave me alone okay. " she yelled back.I

Okay. So that is it for the second chapter. How is it so far?
Love, Sophie

Descendants 3: The bulliesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن