Between all my classes, quidditch matches, and extra studying sessions with Rose, it seemed June was already around the corner. I had barely gotten a break from studying, hoping to get near the top of my classes with my scores. I would never tell anyone, but I sometimes feel as though good grades will make up for the fact that I don't have wizard parents.

And my hard work has been paying off. The only competition in my year is really Rose and Scorpius, both working just as hard as me. I only hope Scorpius' studying will rub off on Albus. He really needs to get himself together for exams.

With all my studying, I had barely been able to write to Harry as much as I used to. He said he understands, and he's proud I'm studying more than he did.
I have to admit, besides studying, I've been writing to him less because I feel bad about not going to see him on Christmas. He had helped me out so much throughout my first year and I didn't accept his offer to visit, and I didn't even send a gift with Albus. And besides that, I've had even more on my mind with the thought of seeing my parents again in just a month.

I've only exchanged letters with them a few more times throughout the year, I think they just want to check that I'm alive every once in a while.

Today, I was in the study hall with Scorpius while reading one of their latest letters to me. I was supposed to be studying, but re-reading their letters made me worried about how they're going to act when I see them soon.

"Alannah?" Scorpius asks snapping in my face.

I look up at him.
"Yeah, sorry," I say, tucking away the letter.

"It's strange, with exams coming closer and closer, you're getting even less focused on studying," he says. "Have you just accepted the fact that I'll score higher than you?" he teases.

I smile faintly,
"No, I'm just... well, I'm worried about the summer. You know, seeing my parents."

"Oh," he says. "I'm sure it will be fine."

I nod.

"Alannah. It will be fine," he says again, looking at me.

"I hope you're right," I sigh.

"Just, maybe don't overwhelm them with information about Hogwarts. Just pretend to be their little muggle," he laughs.

I smile. "Hey! I am not a muggle."

"I know, I know. But you know what I mean. They won't be thrilled to hear about your talking plants in herbology. Just, keep it simple. If you need someone to talk to, just send me a letter."

"As if I'll be writing to you," I roll my eyes. But deep down, I know I will.
"Finally, our last exam," sighs Rose as we walk to Charms.
We had just finished our DADA exams. I found it quite easy, but pretended to be frustrated when Rose told me she found it difficult.

As we're walking towards the class, Cian falls into step beside me.

"Ready for charms?" He asks.

"I think so. Try not to blow anything up will you? It'll distract me," I say.

"Haha, very funny," he says.

"I'm only joking, I have full faith in you Cian. The Slytherins already had their Charms exam, according to Scorpius, it's the easiest one," I say.

"Right, Scorpius," Cian mutters.

"All right, well, good luck you two!' Rose says as we reach the classroom.

I take a deep breath and walk into my final exam of first year.
I place the sweater Harry had sent me on top of the rest of the clothes in my trunk and close it. I was packing all my things, getting ready to leave the castle shortly.
Last night had been my last feast here. It was amazing, as always. Besides the fact that I could basically hear Albus snoring during McGonagall's farewell speech.

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