C.7 Reunion

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"How was your Christmas?" I ask Cian.

The students who went home for the holidays just got back. I was waiting in the Great Hall as students slowly started arriving from the train. Cian was the first one I saw.

"Oh it was great, mum made so much food and dad bought us loads of-" he stops himself. "Sorry Lannah, I shouldn't talk about it, I know you were alone on Christmas," he says.

"No, it's okay! I'm glad you had a good Christmas!" I say smiling.

He smiles back and then sees my necklace.
"I see you got some Christmas gifts too?" He says.

I like down at the necklace hanging from my neck. This was the gift inside of Scorpius' envelope. It was a thin gold chain with a small Golden Snitch charm hanging at the end.

"Isn't it great? Scorpius got it for me," I say. The smile immediately leaves Cian's face.

"So you two are friends then?" He asks.

"Cian, he's really not that bad when you get to know him," I say defending Scorpius.

"I feel like ever since you've started hanging out with him I rarely see yo-" Cian is cut off when someone shouts my name.

I look up and see Rose running towards me, followed by Albus and Scorpius.
She finally reaches me and engulfs me in a big hug. When she finally pulls apart from me, I see Cian has left.
"Oh I missed you so much!" She says. She turns and looks at the boys, "They did too, although they'll never admit it."

"Oh shut up, Rose," says Albus rolling his eyes.

"Albus kept talking about how you're top of the class in DADA," says Rose.

"Well she is!" Says Albus.

I smile at the fact that he spoke about me to the family, I mean, I am technically part of their family.

I see Scorpius behind Albus and smile at him.
"How was your Christmas Scorpius?" I ask.

He shrugs, "It was alright. I don't think it was as exciting as theirs," he says looking at Albus and Rose.

"He's right. Our Christmases are pretty hectic," says Rose.

"Big family," agrees Albus.

"Oh Albus, there's Fred," says Rose. "Come with me, I need to ask if he remembered-"

"Fred? Fred Weasley?" I ask in confusion.

"Yeah, uncle George's son," says Rose. "Albus, come," Rose pulls Albus along to go speak to their cousin.

I look at who they walk up to. An older boy, with the signature red hair. I smile at the fact Fred had a nephew named after him.

I turn back to Scorpius. His eyes are looking at the necklace I have on. I smile.
"Thank you. For the necklace," I say.

"I hope you like it. I figured you wouldn't get many gifts so when I saw that in the shops well... anyways. I'm glad you like it," he says.

"Oh, I love it. Makes me more excited for us to join the quidditch team next year," I say. He laughs.

"Me, definitely. I think you still need some more practice on your broom though," he says. He's referring to our last flying class when I fell off my broom.

I roll my eyes. "I have plenty of time to practice, second year is so far away,"
After winter, spring crept up slowly but somehow quick at the same time. Snow melted, the sun started shining bright as ever, and most importantly, exam season approached.

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