C.18 The Necklace

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"Send more letters to my parents and do better in divination."

"You're already at the top of all your classes but you still add that to your new year's resolutions?" Cian asks me.

"I'm very close to being kicked out of the top in the class in divination, Rose is amazing at it." I defend my New Year Resolution.

"You can't be amazing at it, it's a load of rubbish."

"Aw, you're sad because you're bad at it?" I tease him.

We're lying down on the couch in my Common Room, lit by the firelight as everyone else sleeps. Cian had snuck into my dorm to see me because we had both been so busy the past few days with no time to see each other.

"I'm not bad at it like I said, it's a load of rubbish!"

"Just admit you're bad at it!" I laugh.

He rolls his eyes and kisses me on the cheek.

"See, now you're just avoiding the question," I protest. 

"I should go," he says, yawning. He gets off the couch but I grab his arm and pull him back down.

"Just stay," I whine. "Just a few more minutes."

"If someone sees me here so late I'll get in trouble."

I ignore his logic and give him a kiss. He smiles and lies back down on the couch with me.

The reason I ask him to stay is because I don't want to go back to feeling alone.  And lately, he's been all I have.


I wish I could ask Rose for advice right about now.

I'm standing in the middle of Zonkos Joke Shop in Hogsmeade holding a gift that would be perfect for Scorpius. His birthday is on Monday and I still haven't spoken to him since the Quidditch game. Sure, I've seen him in the hall a few times since Winter break ended, but I always avoided eye contact or walked away. I don't know if it's because I'm afraid of what he has to say to me or what I have to say to him. And I think my worst fear is that we don't have anything to say at all.

So, I hold the perfect gift in my hand and think about how Albus, Rose and Scorpius are probably all enjoying a butterbeer together in the Three Broomsticks right about now. I wonder if they say anything bad about me. Fortunately, I doubt that's the case.

Rose and I still talk and hang out occasionally. Albus and I still share the same cousin bond, but I see him less than Rose. So, I'd say I'm on good terms with the two of them. But overall, our old friend group has now become a trio that I, unfortunately, am not part of. 

"You ready to go?" Cian asks, appearing behind me. "What's that?" He eyes the gift in my hand.

"Oh, it's nothing." I quickly stash the gift away on the shelf and exit the shop, hand in hand with Cian.

As we walk through the streets of Hogsmeade, I briefly forget all my worries and just take in the world around me. Hogsmeade this time of year is beautiful. The shops are covered lightly in snow, there are little merchants lining the street selling all sorts of things and the lights hung from Christmas are still lining the streets. It's peaceful but also busy. There are couples on dates, friends laughing and professors keeping an eye on the students. 

As we walk through the streets Cian pulls me to a bench near the entrance of the Three Broomsticks and sits down with me.

"I have something for you," he admits as he reaches into his coat pocket.

I smile softly.

"I thought we weren't getting each other Christmas gifts," I say, feeling guilty I don't have anything for him.

He waves away my comment.

"It's January now, Christmas is over. Just consider this a... spur of the moment gift." He hands me a small box with a gold ribbon wrapped around it.
"Go on, open it!"

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