Chapter 26 - The Last Game.

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March 24th 2014, time - 11:20am, location - the stadium, I.A .

The stadium looked completely different. It looked like it had been extended to the size of a very large forest. In the middle was a giant beacon indicating the middle of the forest. The teachers were assembled in the stadium along with Arthur and Merlin.
"Welcome first years." Tanzim said. "Welcome to Protect the Orb. Since you know about the game, we'll just send you to your bases."
Few guards who were standing came over to the top 10 team and teleported them to a cave with an orb in a stand in the middle, a map of the forest, a screen on the wall and a closet with the weapons and armour.
The screens turned on and Tanzim started explaining the rules again as the team started to put on their armour and pick up their weapons.

The team (Team 1st 10) consisted of
Zayd(Rank 1, Type - Necromortal, part-psymortal),
Ashish(Rank 2, Type - Extremor),
Zaynab(Rank 3, Type - Psymortal),
Joshua(Rank 4, Type - Forcer),
Owais(Rank 5, Type - Earth Elemortal),
Tausif(Rank 6, Type - Norm),
Olivia Gamble(Rank 7, Type - Mobilital),
Yui Akane(Rank 8, Type - Psymortal),
Jenni(Rank 9, Type - Wind Elemortal) and
Alicia Keys(Rank 10, Type - Norm)
(aka the top 10 ranking students).

While putting on the armour Owais asked Zayd what would he call his armour? Zayd said, "Plot Armour."
"Hey, that was my line." Owais said.
"The armour once destroyed, will automatically teleport the wearer to the spectators box." Tanzim's voice continued in the background.
Zayd picked up a Dao(a single edged sword) with a scabbard.
Ashish picked up a spear.
Zaynab, a bow and arrows.
Joshua, an axe.
Owais didn't choose anything("I'm a weapon myself").
Tausif, a large shield and a short sword.
Olivia, double curved daggers.
Yui, a katana(long single edged sword).
Jenni, a short shield (yeah that's what she chose).
And Alicia, a bow and arrows like Zaynab.
"Okay what's the plan, Zayd?" Yui asked.
"Why are you asking me?" Zayd asked suprised.
"Because you are the highest ranked person."  Owais said.
"Okay then, Joshua, Owais, Yui and Olivia will be the defenders." Zayd said after thinking. "Jenni, Tausif, Alicia and me will be the attackers. Ashish and Zaynab will provide support to any of the 2 teams when they are called until then they will take cover outside as to not to allow anyone near here. After the 2 hour mark, we will change up the teams."
"You are taking Daisy's hint?" Zaynab asked.
"Something like that." Zayd said turning towards the entrance.

15 minutes later (12:00pm).

Zayd and his team ran out of the cave, Ashish stayed in the cave with Joshua and his team. Zaynab climbed up a tree out side the cave and started to looking around for anyone come near.

Zayd, time - 12:10pm.

Zayd and his team ran into 3 people from another team. They finished off 2 out of them and let 1 ran away. The remaining person lead them straight to his base.
Zayd and his team went in and were immediately ambushed by the opponent team.
Zayd felt something launch him across the cave and pin him to the wall. He looked down and saw a green glint in the smoke.
"You are strong, Zayd, I'll give you that." A voice came from the smoke as Francis Joseph (Rank - 51, Forcer) walked out of the smoke. "But not strong enough."
The force on Zayd loosened and he slide down the wall.
'He's a forcer.' Rey said.
'I know.'
Zayd stood up and got ready to fight. He looked at the stance Francis was in.
'That stance. He's going do it.' Zayd thought.
'Then you'll have 5 seconds to take him down.' Rey replied.

Francis and Zayd charged at each other.
"FORCE-" Francis yelled.
Both Zayd and Francis crossed their right forearms as their force abilities were nullified for the next 5 seconds.
"5," Zayd counted as he kicked Francis's legs knocking him down to his knees.
"4," as he punched Francis in the face making him fall flat on his back.
"3," as he took out his sword.
"2," as he put his sword through Francis's armour destroying it.
"1." Standing up.

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