Chapter 19 - The First Day

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June 2nd 2013, time - 8:30am, location - the I.A .

"So what is the time table for today?" Tausif asked Joshua during break fast.
"Today's Sunday. Weekend." Joshua said smiling.
"So that's why Zaynab and Zayd didn't come today."

The Next Day.
Everyone had spirital studies for 2 hours with a teacher named Mr. Park Jin. He was not a Korean but his ancestors were, so he had a Korean look to him. He had dark black hair, purple eyes and board shoulders.
"The very power behind a spirital is your will to do something. The stronger your will, the stronger your spirital no matter the shape or size or colour." He explained during the class.
"I felt that class was interesting." Zaynab said with a bright smile.
"You sure it was the class that was interesting and not the teacher?" Owais asked laughing. That was replied by a punch from Zaynab to Owais's face.
The next class Zayd had was force theory with Joshua while Zaynab had language which was Japanese for her, Ashish had extremories theory while Owais had elemortal theory. It was taught by a well built British teacher named Mr. Obee-one Aniken.
"The force is the thing that surrounds us, binds us, penetrates us, it's the source of a forcer's power. And necromortals can somewhat use it but its places their bodies under great pressure." He explained.
"I feel like I have heard the first sentence somewhere." Zayd said after class to Joshua.
After the 10 minute break, Zaynab and Zayd had psymortal theory, taught by Mrs. Jewel Queen (not joking, that's her name), an American teacher with shining gold hair and a cheerful personality. Owais and Joshua had language which was Hindi for Owais and Kannada for Joshua while Ashish had extremories practical.
"To psymortals, this comes naturally, but to part psymortals, their abilities work up to a limit." She explained.
"She seemed too sweet for my liking." Zaynab said after the class.
"I thought she was a little air headed, but we have to deal with her." Zayd replied.
Physics was taught by Mr. Kov Wave, a healthy looking Indian man with a goatee, who seemed okay, but his teaching style left everyone except Zayd exhausted.
"I will be running with my subject, you will have to catch up with my speed. If you can't then only the one above can help you." He said before he started.
"Well he wasn't lying when he said that he will be running." Owais said collapsing on a chair in the hallway.
"Get yourself together Owais, it's a free period now for you." Tausif said picking Owais up.
Zayd had necromortal theory while, Ashish, Owais and Joshua had a free period. Zaynab had history which she had chosen along with Tausif. Necromortal theory was taught by an African teacher named Mr. Nelson Bose, a stage 6 necromortal who looked to be in good shape all though he had few scars. In the class itself, there were 7 students including Zayd.
"A necromortal can die and come back but that comes at a cost. Generally necromortals live a shorter life compared to other extraordinarians, 80 being the maximum number of years any necromortal has lived." He explained.
'It was a pretty interesting class. What do you think, Rey?' Zayd thought.
'I agree with that.' Rey replied.
After the lunch, all of them had nature practical which was labelled as elemortal practical for Owais. It was taught by a wild citizen named, Mr. George Sahar, a well built man with an Asian look.
"It is well known that elemortals can control 1 of the 4 fundamental elements which are fire, water, earth and wind. But if you are any other extraordinarian or a norm like me then it is possible to tap into the powers of an elemortal through incantations. Like this." He said turning around and raising his hand. He murmured something and the flat land in front of him rose and became a small hill.
"You have to ask the nature by your name to temporarily grant you the power to control any element. Anyway today we will start simple and plant and try to bloom a flower."
They planted a seed and tried their best to read the incantation without any mistakes. Zayd planted his seed and looked at his book once and closed his eyes and started to say the incantation.

"thgil revo krad, esaelp yb ym eman, Zayd, wolla em eht lortnoc revo eht efil fo siht tnalp."

(Translation - light over dark, please by my name, Zayd, allow me the control over the life of this plant.)

Zayd opened his eyes to see a rose blooming where he had planted his seed.
"Now that's power with perfection. Zakyr has done it on his first try. Very well then next up Zakyr, you will try to make a hole in the ground." Mr. George said calling Zayd by his last name.
After 2 hours the class ended, Zayd had made a hole in the ground and most of the class had managed to make their flowers bloom.
The classes ended for the day and everyone returned to their dorms or home.

(The incantations - These are used by wild citizens who are not born as elemortals to tap into the power of the elemortals. They have to be read everytime they have to do anything an elemortal can do. And yes the words are reversed and they have to be read without any mistakes or getting stuck, otherwise nothing will happen. It might look simple but you will have to get the incantation correct without stopping anywhere in between.)

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