Chapter 18 - The InfinX Academy.

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June 1st 2013, time - 8:45am, location - InfinX Academy.

The Academy building was like any other school building surrounded by a wide field with a giant stadium, behind the main building was a smaller building and in between the 2 buildings was a courtyard. Behind the smaller building was a wide lake. Somehow even though the academy was under the island, it looked like it was day with a sky and a sun.
"It's fake." Zayd said immediately when Owais asked.
"How?" Zaynab asked.
"Why don't you ask Ashish that? Zayd replied smiling.
Ashish sighed and asked, "Do I really have to?"
"Yeah." Zayd replied nonchalantly.
"Okay then, the sky is not real it's basically a live recording of the sky over Galeonile." Ashish said. "It's a dome over the under water island. That's why it doesn't feel hot even though we are under the sun. Instead there is a cool breeze, that's because the wind elemortals and wild citizens around the border of this island who control the internal weather. Due to that there are not many trees here. And the elemortals have to revive the trees that are there."
They entered the main building and went into the main hall. Many seats were placed to accommodate the students present. There was a platform with 4 poles with 4 stones, red, blue, green and yellow and a large diamond in the middle of the platform. Right behind the platform was a table for the teachers and the principal.
Tausif, Ashish, Zaynab, Zayd, Owais and Joshua sat down together as the teachers entered. A tall beard man who looked like to be in his mid 30s came forward with a mic and started speaking.
"Good morning First years and welcome to The InfinX Academy for Norms and Extraordinarians. I am Mohammed Tanzim Shoaib, the principal." He said with a smile.
This was followed with a chatter with in the crowd.
"I know you maybe confused about me being the principal and me being 20 right now but believe me I am Tanzim." He replied.
"He's not lying." Zayd said.
"Really?" Ashish asked.
"That's him." Zaynab said backing Zayd up.
"Okay then, now that's out of the way, welcome to your first year in the I.A ." Tanzim continued. "We will start this with sorting you to the houses Garnet, Sapphire, Emerald and Topaz. Keep in mind that these houses will not effect anything academically but it's for the norm sports and we need teams so. Let's start from the top and go down the list, shall we?"
With that he pulled out a small diary and started calling out the names starting with, "Syed Zayd Zakyr. Please step forward."
The crowd went silent and it seemed like every eye was on Zayd as he walked over to the principal.
"Mr. Zayd please stand on the diamond in the middle of platform over here and unleash your spirital" Tanzim said with his hand pointing at the platform.
Zayd went over to the platform and stood on the diamond. He took a deep breath and moved his arms as if he were spreading his wings. A crimson phoenix flew out of his chest and lit up the hall in crimson red. Just then all the stones around the platform lit up. The phoenix vanished leaving the stones shining and the diamond lit up.
"Chosen by all." Tanzim exclaimed. "It's your choice then Zayd. Which house do you choose to go for?"
Zayd thought for a while and answered, "I'll go with Garnet house, sir."
All the stones stopped shining except the red stone indicating that the house had excepted Zayd. With that he went back to his seat.
"Next student, Ashish Kumar, step forward please."
Ashish was asked to stand on the diamond which he did and he moved his hands like paws and a violet tiger leapt out of his chest. The green stone shone and the tiger disappeared.
"Emerald house." Tanzim said.
With that Ashish went back to his seat.
"Syeda Zaynab Hussain. Come forward please."
Zaynab walked towards the platform and stood on the diamond. She moved her arms as if spreading her wings and a cyan eagle flew out of her chest. The red stone shone and the eagle vanished.
"Garnet house."
Next was, "Joshua Daniel" who walked over to the platform and stood on the diamond. He took a step forward and a green T-rex walked out of his chest. The yellow stone shone and the T-rex disappeared.
"Topaz house."
Next "Mohammed Owais" stood on the diamond in an imposing manner. A gold griffin jumped out of his chest. The blue stone lit up and the griffin disappeared.
"Sapphire house."
Tausif was called next. He stood on the diamond and bent low. A scarlet wolf jumped out of his chest. The blue stone shone and the wolf disappeared.
"Norms can also form spiritals?" Joshua asked.
"They can. That's why in this world no one is normal. Even the norms." Zayd replied.
The next hour was just sorting. People got to see all types of spritals from dogs, cats and rats to an elephant to a dragonfly.
Once everyone was sorted into houses, Tanzim came forward again.
"Since today is the first day, there will be no classes today, so you can look around the campus. Those staying at the dorms can choose their rooms and step up their things there. You can have some food at the café and that will be it for today. Tomorrow onwards your classes will start so please be regular. Check your timetables on the notice boards. We will meet tomorrow." He said leaving with the teachers.
"So you want to go choose your rooms or food?" Owais asked getting up.
"We'll grab some food on the way and we'll help you set up your rooms." Zayd said getting up and putting on his cloak.

(Spiritals - the spirit of an animal's which every human has. Even the norms. The spirital is summoned by exhibiting the characteristic of the animal or bird. They can be any animal or bird. Many people can have mildly or exactly similar spirital.)

Time - 11:00, location - I.A dorms.

"I like the fact they make shawarma here." Zayd said taking a bite out of the shawarma he got from the café.
"You and your shawarma. Why don't you marry it or something?" Owais said opening the door to his room.
"I would if I could but I'm not at the legal age to get married." Zayd said sarcastically.
"This room is nice." Zaynab said changing the topic.
The room had a work desk, a bed and a closet. It also had a window.
"You don't have to worry about leaving the window open here." Joshua said finishing his drink.
"Haha. Laugh all you want." Owais said putting all his stuff on the bed. "My computer will be coming in a few minutes. I gave the box to the movers."
As if on cue, the movers came and put few boxes labelled Owais's pc, on the ground and left. The Tausif, Zaynab and Zayd helped Owais, Joshua, Tausif and Ashish to set up their rooms and left for the day.
"Tomorrow then. See you for the classes." Zayd and Zaynab said as they left.
"By the way there are clubs as well." Zaynab said out of the random.
"Yeah? Like what?" Zayd asked.
"Well, there is the science and mathematics club that your father helped create, the literature club, the photography club, cooking club which works with the café, games club where they play board games, painting club, drawing club and others I guess."
"Okay, but I don't seem to have any interest in any of those. We'll have to talk about that topic on a later date." Zayd said.

June 1st 2013, time - 10:00pm, location - The Outside desert. (That's what the desert on the other side of the border forest is called.)

Pharonus had still not moved. But all of a sudden the sensors surrounding the tube he was in were going wild.
"What do we have?" Someone asked.
"Sir, it seems as if Pharonus is trying to talk. Turning on speech recognition." Came the reply.
The person flicked a switch and a screen turned on. The screen said, "Did you take care of the survivors?"
"Yes Pharonus, we took out all 12 survivors." The person in charge calling himself the general replied.
"You missed 1." The screen said.
"Missed 1? Who?" The general asked.
"The one who fought me. The one with the crimson phoenix as his spirital."

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