Chapter 5 - The Escape

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April 7th 2013, time - 5:00pm, location - The factory.

Zayd opened his eyes to find him self at the bottom of the stairs. He got to his feet and looked around. There were bodies everywhere. The radioactive gas didn't seem to affect him. He walked around. He found Rey and Max among the pile of bodies. Zayd felt a sick feeling in his stomach at the sight of their bodies.
Suddenly he heard a footstep to his left. When he turned to the left, he saw a man with cloak and a mask. "Hello?" he asked. "Sir? What's going on here?" Zayd walked towards him and saw he was holding something in his hand. The man turned towards Zayd and said " Don't worry, my dear boy. It will be over soon. After I'm done with the rest of the people."
Zayd's eyes widen in astonishment." What do you mean by 'done with the rest'?" he asked. "Did you do this?"
"As a matter of fact, I did" he said as he put his hand forward and opened it. There was stone shining in the palm of his hand. "I, Pharonus, have finally found the Nairus stone, the power to make the entire humanity bow down to me, in the palm of my hand. Literally" He said laughing manically.
Zayd felt anger building up in his head. "You did this" he said through gritted teeth. His eyes were completely red. His hands were clenched into fists.
"IT WAS YOU!" Zayd now had a crimson aura around him and then a crimson phoenix flew out his chest with such force that Pharonus was thrown of his feet and fell on the floor few meters away. Zayd walked towards Pharonus who was getting back up. Both Zayd and Pharonus slammed their hands on the ground which all of a sudden shoke viciously. Zayd was knocked out the way and landed in a pile of debri. Pharonus was also thrown off his feet again but this time he landed on his feet.
Pharonus walked towards the Narius stone which was knocked out of his hand when Zayd sent him flying. He then hurriedly when out of the building saying "Well I underestimated that kid but anyway I got what I came for". He then did a push gesture with his hand in the air and the main door opened. He then walked out of there and disappeared into the woods.
Zayd got up after a while. The injuries he got when he fell in the debris healed up. He looked around and didn't find Pharonus anywhere. Zayd then looked at his watch which wasn't getting any signal and was still showing only the time, date and day.

(A smartwatch which Zakyr bought to track wherever Zayd went, but Zayd managed to hack it and now it had a GPS system and he somehow managed to turn the camera in the front and managed to make it into a scanner. Now because it wasn't getting any signal and had gone into power saving mode, it was showing only the time, date and day).

Time - 11:30pm, location - Hospital cross.

Zayd then got to his feet and walked around to find an exit. He found Rey's body and picked it up and left the building. The force field seemed to be  gone and it looked like the place was exposed now to be found by people. Zayd (carrying Rey's body (somehow)) looked around and found.....
"The graveyard?" he said to himself in astonishment. The graveyard which was named the HC graveyard (HC - Hospital Cross), it was located in the hospital cross which was a 40 minute walk away from his house. It had a church and a mosque side by side on one side and a hospital a couple of blocks away. The graveyard looked closed. The mosque also looked closed. The church looked open, so Zayd took Rey's bodyand laid it in front of the door and looked for a paper and pen. He found a pen on the road and soon found a newspaper laying close by. He tore a piece of paper from the newspaper and wrote on it

"Name - Rey Hellfire, DOB - 28           February 1997,
Father's name - James Hellfire,
Mother's name - Susan Hellfire,
Died on 7th April 2013,
Address - Transport District."

Zayd had no idea how he knew all of this but when after he was done writing, he got a feeling that maybe the reason was Rey's consciousness in his head. He then placed the paper in Rey's hands, so someone could identify him. Zaid walked away from there and started walking towards his home, when he saw a bright flash of scarlet and gold in front of him.

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