Chapter 6 - The Burning Pheonix

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April 8th 2013, time - 12:07am, location - Hospital cross.

"Arhenius!" Zayd exclaimed in shock and relief. The Pheonix had a look of accomplishment and happiness. "Now that's some look that doesn't suit you". Arhenius didn't seem to mind about the remark and picked Zayd up by his collar and was flying towards his home. The night was cold and Zayd could feel the cold wind the moment they were in the air.
Just then Zayd felt something fly by on his right. He looked to the right to see Talon flying beside him. Talon had look of relief and excitement.
Zayd looked in front of him. His house appeared in view. When they got closer, he saw Naila standing in the balcony of her room looking at him coming. She then ran inside.
Arhenius then put Zayd in front of his house. Just then Zayd saw his father, mother and the Hussains running towards him. Zayd then felt a warm hug from Zakyr and Fatima. After that the rest of the night was a blur for Zayd because all he could remember waking up in the morning in his bed. He checked his watch, it had full signal and was showing 6am.
"Never seen you up at this time." came a familiar voice from his door. Zayd looked at the door to find Zakyr standing there. "That's because I never woke up at this time." replied Zayd. "Especially when I slept just 4 hours ago."
Zakyr smiled and walked into the room. He sat down on Zayd's bed and said,"Now listen, I need you to tell me what happened between you going missing and Arhenius finding you last night."
Zayd started telling what happened from him walking back home from the library and getting kidnapped, to him waking up in the factory, to the radiation leak and how he survived, him fighting Pharonus, to him placing Rey's body in front of the church and finally Arhenius finding him.
"So you found out your spirital. A phoenix, right?"
"Yeah, and speaking of a phoenix, did Arhenius burn up, while I was stuck?" asked Zayd.
"As a matter of fact, his burning day was just few days ago. Why do you ask?"
"Your mark on his neck looked fresh. And he was behaving a little different that's why, but I think that he was just relieved to find me after a long time."

(Phoenixs are almost immortal, when their time comes they burst into flames on a random day called the burning day. They are then reborn immediately from the ashes and they grow at a remarkable speed to their full potential in just one to three days. When a person manages to tame a phoenix ,their mark while be on its neck until the owner dies, symbolising the connection between them)

"Okay so about your entrance test, it's right after your mother's birthday." (April 10)
"Yeah what about it?" asked Zayd getting up from the bed to his feet.
"You have about 3 days to prepare. Are you going to attempt it?"
"Of course, I'm gonna attempt it."
Zakyr smiled again and got up to leave the room. He then turned around and told Zayd that they will going to the doctor to get him checked up.
"Okay, what time?" asked Zayd.
"2pm." replied Zakyr.
Zayd nodded in agreement and Zakyr walked out of the room.
Zayd did no preparation for the entrance exam  but stayed in his room working on something. When fatima asked him what was he doing, Zayd replied by saying, "you'll see".
2pm hovered close and Zakyr, Fatima and Zayd got ready for going to the clinic. They reached the clinic in few minutes and went to the reception.
"Appointment for Syed Zayd Zakyr" Zakyr said.
The receptionist checked her screen and said "Dr Mohammed Nadim Shoaib is free now". Zayd thought that name was familiar but then realised that he was the brother of the new principal, Mohammed Tanzeem Shoaib who just became the principal at the age 20. That would mean that the doctor was just 18.
When they reached the door, Zakyr knocked on it and they heard a "come in" from inside. When they went in, there was a young man wearing a doctors coat and glasses and a very neat hairstyle.
"Good Afternoon Mr Zakyr, how are you today?" said Dr Nadim smiling.
"I'm fine, Doctor, and you? " asked Zakyr.
"I'm great as always." said Dr Nadim. "And this would be Zayd."
"yeah that's me" said Zayd.
"So hop on here" said Dr Nadim gesturing to a stretcher.
Zayd sat on it and Dr Nadim proceeded to do some tests and then concluded turning to Zakyr and Fatima saying, "He's almost normal, nothing too serious".
"What do you mean by almost normal?" asked Zakyr.
"Since he was in the radiation for a long time, his body absorbed the radiation to make him more fast and stronger. But one limitation is that his eyes are slightly damaged, he will need glasses from now on." said Dr Nadim.
"Which defect is it?" asked Zakyr.
"His eyes are myopic, so he will be able to see close-by objects but far away is going to be problem for him."
"Okay, thank you doctor." said Zakyr.
" It's nothing sir, your bill is 70 nions." said Dr Nadim.
Zakyr payed the bill and they left.

(Forcers - people who can use the force around them. They are mostly well built and have different coloured eyes giving the impression that they have a case of heterochromia. When they use their abilities their eyes turn green. Due to them being able to use the forcer, they are much more susceptible to muscle cramps. Forcers have a barrier around them to protect them from projectile attacks and to heal them.)

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