Chapter 20 - The Ghost Pianist.

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June 30th 2013, time - 1:30pm, location - Food corner, central market.

Almost a month went by and the teachers seemed to have found out that Zayd is much smarter than he let's on. He had a complete look of boredom on his face during the classes, as of he had learnt everything that was there to know. When asked about this by Ashish, he replied with, "I'm just sleepy most of the time and the teachers took that as me knowing everything."
"I know you are doing something in your house throughout the night, but you can't deny that you already know most of the stuff being taught here." Zaynab said taking a sip of her drink.
"By the way your father's birthday was yesterday, right? What did you get him?" Owais asked Zayd.
"I got him a pocket watch. He's into that antique stuff." Zayd said taking a bite out of his shawarma.
It was Sunday and Ashish, Zaynab, Zayd, Owais and Joshua, had decided to meet at the food corner.
"So I heard that Tausif became a librarian volunteer, is that right?" Zayd asked.
"Yeah, he practically started pounding on our doors yesterday after you guys left and he basically just exploded into saying how he wanted to do something and now he can earn 50 Minia just by sitting and reading books." Joshua replied.
"Okay then." Zayd said getting up. "Let's go meet up with him."
"Wait!" Owais said. "Pay for your food then go."

Time - 3:00pm, location - Library, I.A .

"And so you just decided to drop in, right?" Tausif asked sitting at the main desk.
"Yeah, we just wanted to drop by and say hi and maybe read some books." Zayd said walking around.
The library was almost empty except for a few students.
"I do have a small problem though. I'm almost done here." Tausif said getting up.
"Don't ask us to arrange the books." Zaynab said.

30 minutes later. Location - The café
"So there is a rumour going on in the academy about a ghost in the music club." Tausif started.
"A ghost?" Zayd asked in the most bored voice.
"So when did the rumour start?" Owais asked.
"About 2 days ago according to one of the seniors who were in the library today." Tausif replied.
"So it's pretty recent, then." Ashish said.
"Who all are in the music club?" Zaynab asked.
"5 second years, all girls." Tausif replied.
"So what happened?" Joshua asked.
"So apparently, 3 days ago, some girl was alone around 7pm or something and some music started playing on the piano in the music club." Tausif started. "She went to check and once she opened the door, the music stopped playing. She looked around and found the piano cover open but no pianist. Instead she heard a girl grunting on the floor. She had bloodshot eyes and messy hair. The girl got scared and ran away."
"Okay, that's some story." Owais said.
"Wait, we have a music club?" Ashish asked.
"Yeah we do." Zayd replied. "By the way, who's the supervisor of the music club?"
"Our chemistry teacher, Mrs. Nina." Tausif replied.
"Okay then, you guys go home, I'll go for a walk and come back tomorrow and I'll say what I find in the lunch time tomorrow. And don't follow me." Zayd said getting up.
"Where are you going?" Zaynab asked.
Zayd didn't reply.
"So who's following him?" Ashish asked.
"I'm not, I have homework." Tausif replied getting up.
He grabbed his bag and started walking towards the dorms.
"My dad said to come back with Zayd." Zaynab said. "So I'm gonna wait."
"Are you scared or something? Why don't you follow him?" Owais asked getting up.
"I don't want to. I'm too lazy to follow him." Zaynab said putting on earphones.
"Looks like Zayd's laziness ghost has possessed her." Joshua said before turning to Zaynab to ask, "You finished your homework?"
"Yeah I'm already done. And by the looks of it you guys haven't completed it." Zaynab replied. "And we don't need to follow Zayd, he's back."
Zayd had his hand in his pocket. On spotting Ashish, Zaynab, Owais and Joshua he said, "I thought I told you guys to go home."
"Well the 3 of them live here and I think you forgot what my dad told you." Zaynab said.
"Zayd, your homework is done?" Owais asked him.
"Weird timing, but yeah, I finished it in class yesterday." Zayd replied.

Time - 6:00pm, location : 5th park road, Park sector.

"So what did you ask Mrs. Nina?" Zaynab asked while they were walking to their home.
"I asked her to give the list of the music club members." Zayd replied.
"So you are going to interrogate the music club?" Zaynab asked.
"Yeah, so you'll know what I'll find tomorrow at lunch." Zayd replied.

July 1st 2013, time - 3:15pm, lunch time, location - Café, the I.A .

"Where is he?" Owais asked eating his lunch.
Tausif, Ashish, Zaynab, Owais and Joshua were sitting in the café, waiting for Zayd.
"There." Zaynab said pointing at Zayd through the crowd.
Zayd went over to the counter picked up his lunch and sat down at the table them.
"So what did you find out?" Ashish asked.
"About what?" Zayd asked absent-mindedly.
"About the ghost pianist, dummy." Tausif replied.
"Oh that." Zayd said. "Yeah I did. So I asked the music club members one by one. And turns out the pianist has a habit of sleeping in the clubroom after their practice. The practice takes place at 5:45pm, 5 minutes after all classes are done. It goes on till 6:45pm. After that ends, our pianist takes a nap till 7pm. At 7 her alarm which coincidentally is a piano tune plays to wake her up. It seems like the girl who found her sleeping, mistook her for a angry ghost."
"Well, that escalated quickly." Zaynab said.
"It's completely unoriginal." Zayd said. "Apparently the girl who started this, had read about a pianist who died while playing the piano and there were rumours that she haunted the room where that piano was placed."
"Now that you figured it out, we have to put this rumour to rest." Joshua said.
"How? We are not journalists. The academy doesn't even have a newspaper." Zayd said.
"If there is none, then we'll make 1." Ashish said.
'Oh no.' Zayd thought.
'Well, you sort of gave them the idea.' Rey replied. 'Anyway why are you getting shocked for?'
'I just want to go home and sleep after the classes. If they make a newspaper club or something, they'll make me join forcefully and I willl have to stay after the classes.' Zayd said.
'Bingo.' Zaynab said entering the mind chat.

(The Mind Chat - This is a psymortal ability through which psymortals and part-psymortals can communicate with each other through their minds.)

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