Chapter 12- Rings and Bracelets

12 5 2

April 20 2013

At Fluffy's clothes, the group got their uniforms and got out.
"Zayd, are you serious? Why did you get white sneakers, you could have taken brown or grey if you didn't agree with black shoes?" Owais said while coming out of Fluffy's.
"Why, so I look like agent R.E.D in that norm detective novel? No thanks." Zayd replied before turning to Ali. "So when will we open the package?"
Ali said, "Once we get the rings and bracelets we can go and grab something to eat and there we'll open the package."
The next shop was called 'Lewis's Rings and Bracelets'. They entered and were greeted by a polite man with a calm smile on his face.
He looked like he was in his late 60s, his eyes were completely rainbow coloured (the colours were mixed but were distinguishable). He had a bronze badge on his shirt with the name 'Garry Lewis' engraved on it. The shop looked like it was made with shelves full of boxes.
He said, "Good morning, Mr.Ali Hussain and company. Welcome to Lewis's Rings and Bracelets. Buying rings or bracelets for 6?"
"Good morning, Mr.Garry and 5, because Aisha here has not yet completed her 5th." Ali said patting Aisha's head.
"Alrighty then, who's coming first?" Garry said looking energised.
Zayd stepped forward.
"Mr.Zaid, rings or bracelets, which do you prefer?"
Zayd replied, "I prefer rings."
Garry gave an excited nod and started to look around through the countless boxes. After a while he brought a polished wooden box. He opened it up to reveal 5 containers with rings floating in them.
He then said, "Here you go, pick up the one with which you feel a connection."
Zayd looked at the containers and after a while, he picked up the container with a black ring with a ruby embedded in it. It had a inscription on it opposite to the ruby.
"Interesting, try it on."
Zayd took it out of its container and put it on his right middle finger. The ruby in the ring lit up along with Zayd's eyes which were flashing all 13 colours and finally coming back to normal black.
"Congratulations, you have connected with the ring. The ring you have is a Necro-titanium alloy with a ruby in the middle. Due to the necrium being mixed with a metal, its radioactive capabilities are nullified making it one of the strongest alloys. And the ruby in the middle, not many people connect with a ring with a ruby in it. Then of course the people who connect with a ruby is a necromortal, which you are. A very convenient combo for a necromortal. The necro-titanium alloy is good for psymortals and necromortals. The inscription says "Shǎndiàn" which means 'Lightning'. Titanium to keep the ruby active. Anyway, that will be 20 Nions. Next please."
Ashish stepped forward.
"Mr.Ashish, rings or bracelets?"
Garry pushed the same box, now containing 4 containers, ahead and said "look for the ring that calls to you."
Ashish looked at the containers and picked up the container with a silver ring with a black ring in the middle which had blue slits in it.
"Try it on."
Ashish took out the ring and put it on his right ring finger. The ring lit up blue through the slits along with his eyes which turned blue before returning to black.
"There you go, another connection. The ring is a silver ring with necro-iron alloy with sapphires in the slits. The sapphire is perfect for extremors and psymortals and silver goes well with extremors, which you are. The iron is for the sapphires to be active and necrium we use it for every ring. This is a very convenient combo for you. Anyway, that will be 20 Nions. Next."
Zaynab stepped forward.
"Miss Zaynab, do you prefer rings as well?"
Garry pointed to the box now with 3 containers in between then on the table.
Zaynab looked at the containers and choose one containing a black ring with a sapphire embedded in it. It looked very similar to Zayd's except for a piece of iron around the gem. It also had a inscription on the opposite of the gem.
"Good choice, try it."
Zaynab took the ring out and put it on her left middle finger. The sapphire lit up along with her eyes which turned to rainbow coloured like Garry's eyes before coming back to her normal blue.
"Another connection. The ring is similar to Mr.Zayd's ring but with few differences. The inscription says "Xīnshén" meaning 'mind'. The gem is sapphire which is good for psymortals and extremors. The iron is there to activate the sapphire and to hold it in place. The necro-titanium alloy is good for psymortals as well which you are making this combo very convenient for you. Anyway, that will be 20 Nions. Next.
Joshua stepped forward.
"Mr.Joshua, rings?"
"Yes, sir."
Garry hadn't moved the box containing the remaining 2 rings. Joshua looked at them and picked one containing a grey metal ring with a inner ring of emerald with a black dragon on it.
"Fascinating. Try it."
Joshua took out the ring and put it on his right thumb. The emerald lit up along with his eyes which turned green before returning to his normal brown in his left eye and blue in his right(Forcers have different eye colours, giving the impression that they have a case of heterochromia).
"Another successful connection. The ring is titanium on the outer part and the inner part is emerald with necro-copper alloy. The copper is to keep the emerald active. Emeralds are good for Forcers, along with titanium. And you are a forcer making This combo very convenient for you. Anyway, that will be 20 Nions. And finally Mr.Owais let's check this final ring connects with you."
Owais stepped forward.
"You do prefer rings, right?"
Owais picked up the only container in the box which had a silver ring with an orange gem and an inscription in black on the opposite to the gem. Owais took it out and put it on his left thumb. The orange gem lit up along with his eyes which turned into orange before returning to his normal green.
"And the final convenient connection. The ring is made up of silver and the gem in the middle is a fire opal which is good for elemortals which you are. The inscription which is in necro-silver here says "Dìqiú" meaning 'earth'. The silver is fine for elemortals and its to keep the fire opal active. The necro-silver is good for elemortals especially earth elemortals making this combo very convenient for you. Anyway that's 20 Nions. Total is 100 Nions. Thank you for coming."
Ali payed the money and the group left.Zayd stayed back for 5 minutes and came out.
Owais asked "Can you guess what his favourite word is?"
Zayd replied, "That would be 'convenient'."

(Currency in Galeonile - Minius (minia(mini-ya) - plural) and Nion are the currency in Galeonile. 100 Minia is 1 Nion. Minia are silver coins and Nions are paper currency. The names of the currency are from the kingdom that rulled the island from the year 1120 to 1520 called the Nion kingdom whose main currency was Minius.)

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