Visiting family

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Shauna's pov

So me and the girls and the boys all woke up at 3:00 am to go to l.a. Airport. and guess what my mom moved to Miami so we're flying to Miami air port and me and the squads parents kno that we all love eachother and we can not be far apart so Rays parents moved to Miami, kyra moved to Miami,luke moved to Miami, and roc did to. so we will all still be together. I was happy about that. and my outfit is in the media( on top of this chapter) bug just in case I wore a black American eagle puffer jacket with dark blue jeans and black uggs I put my hair in a high bun as well and the. I was done. after that me and the girls met up with the boys outside to follow us to the air port. then finally they came we all jumped in our separate cars and after while we arrived.

At the airport

We got out the car and walked in the air port everyone looked so tired. roc was listening to music, Ray was on Instagram, princeton was on keek and Luke was laying in jyras lap while she was rubbing his head and playing with his hair. and I was just playing games on my phone after awhile they finally called us to get on the plane. we all got the plane and the we finally arrived. when we got off the plane all of our parents was standing right there. Aiyona kissed and hugged Princeton before she left and kyra did the same to luke. me and Aiyona ran to our mom we were so happy to see her.


shauna: a nose piercing

Nicki: OMG take it out

Shauna: mom no

We got in the car and the whole way there I was updating my with eveything that has happened in college. She was pretty shocked of all of it. but she's glad I handled it well. when we got the house everyone was there T.I., lil Wayne, drake, rejinae, and ect. I was so happy to see them and our house was Much bigger. I had fun at our welcome home party. when night hit me and the sqaud were all in a phone group chat and they also had a welcoming home party . AHH it felt so good to be back home without work and school.

anyways that was the end of this chapter I hope u liked stay tuned for more😊

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