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Shauna's pov

So it was the day after me and dewayne's date and I had a MAD hangover. But today was Sunday and I had an extra dance practice. I woke this mornin and through on anything. I noticed kyra was ignoring.

Shauna: what's your problem ( I said taking a pain reliever)

Kyra: dude u don't remeber do u

Shauna: remeber what I had a straight hangover

Kyra: well u were so annoying last night and u was cussing me out I literally wanted to rip your hair of your head

Shauna: well damn

Kyra: ( laughing so hard and hugging me)

Shauna: can we go now

Kyra: ( looks at clock) oh shit yea we can't be late

Shauna:ok bye yona (running out the door)

Yona: bye....

(Skipping dance class)

Shauna's pov

So me and kyra went to dance and it was soo exhausting and I'm sore af. I unlocked the door and saw Princeton

Shauna: hey Prince

Kyra: hey prince

Princeton: wassup

Shauna: so what was yall doin here by yall self( sitting down eating grapes)

Prince and yona look at eachother rap quick

Yona and Prince: nothing

Shauna: mmmhhhmmm

Kyra: imma go visit luke at yall dorm

Shauna: ok✌️

Well that was the end of this chapter I know it was a lil boring but oh well.

Breakups,makeups,and pain BOOK 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora