Chapter 12 - She Heard Everything

Start from the beginning

"So what's happening between you and ginger?"

"Don't think we've forgotten what happened earlier and your obviously not brother and sister."

"That's just creepy how you two do that!

"Well get used to it."

"Because this is what your gonna have to live with."

"Now you're just doing it on purpose."


"Maybe not. Any way Seth, answer the question."

"Well you know, where good friends..." I recognized Seth's voice

"Yeah good friends, I bet you are."

"Well yeah, I've know her for a while and she's been there a lot for me recently."

"uhu, and you like her," the other one practically sang.

"Come on girls give the guy his space,"

"Ar come on just admit it, I've known you both for like five hours and it obvious!"

"The way you threw yourself at each." I could hear them beginning to laugh at her dramatic tone and I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing at the twins awful imitation.

"Okay I do have some sought of attraction towards her...but who wouldn't!" I gasped almost giving my cover away if it wasn't for the chorus of laughter that followed. He liked me?! My heart skipped a beat as it slowly sank in...he liked me.

"Okay just because I like somebody, you cannot deny she's beautiful." Butterflies in my stomach was a understatement, more like obese killer whales, I could not believe what I was hearing, why had he never said anything...he actually liked me!

"O Eve I love you!" I could hear one of the twins mimicked.

"I think you guys are in the wrong field! I could hear the embarrassment in his voice, poor Seth. I just wanted to sit up and slap those girls!

"Nope where defiantly 16!"

"More like 6. You got lipstick all over your face Isabella."

"Ok great we haven't even got any to replace it and that one's Eleanor."

"How can we even tell you two apart?!" I was still trying to process what Seth had said.

"You don't, or though Izzy is more playful if you haven't noticed!" You don't say.

"What's all the laughing about?"

"Seth's confessing his love for Eve!" I could feel my cheeks flushing, if Seth knew I was awake...

"Keep it down will you I don't want everyone to know!" YOUR TELLING ME.

"It's obvious enough Seth." Everyone seemed to have known except me, Sophie was right.

"Not another one! How long till we have to meet are group at the tree?"

"We still have half an hour, don't worry."

"I'm hungry anyone else hungry?" I had to hold in my laughter, trust Seth to think of food in a time like this.

"We know your changing the subjects!" When will she stop going on about it, he likes me, that's all you need to know...he likes me.

"Dry, flat biscuits anyone or chocolate bar?"

"Just grab a load of stuff and bring it over!"

"Looks like bake beans for dinner though, we got a tin each!"

"That's a lot! Well at least where all going to be warm tonight baby!" Did she seriously just say that?

"Izzy! That's bad even for you."

"Just voicing what's going through all are heads." Not really, try finding out a guy you've been developing feelings for has a crush on you!

"I was thinking about pizza actually, what I would kill for some!" Do all guys think this much about food?

"And I can bet I know what Seth's thinking." I was getting fed up of those girls.

"I'm never gonna hear the end of this am I?"

"Nope!" I could just tell she was grinning her socks off, that's it play times over!
Slowly I began opening my eyes and propping myself up "When we leaving?"
Ever since that moment I've started seeing Seth in a different light, it took all my will power to stop myself from throwing myself in his arms and confessing everything. All in good time, it was just finding the right moment to tell him but I was getting inpatient. I tried telling him on the way back from field 2 but surprise the Twins butted in. But by evening I still hadn't told him and I didn't what to confess in front of everyone, we still needed to recover from me throwing myself at Seth when Captain Harrison was choosing the groups. I had resorted to laying my head in his lap as I waited for everyone to disperse for the night avoiding eye contact with the twins who kept looking at me with a 'I know something you don't' look.

"Eve wake up, time to go in." I could feeling him nudging me back to reality.
I groaned and got up noticing there was only three of use left out, it was getting quite chilly. Venturing back inside I quickly slipped into my sleeping back, "Seth?"

"Yeah." I could feel my heart raising.

"You remember that conversation you where having with the twins early?"

"Which one?"

"The one when I was asleep earlier."

"Somebody say something?"

"I wasn't asleep." And with that I rolled over smiling and wondering if he would sleep a wink tonight.

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