Chapter 42 - Masks

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Morning came and we watched the morning sun tip over the horizon, tainting the sky red. The air was silent, we had won. There was no cheer, no shout of victory, only the silence. That in a sense was good enough for me, my head still throbbed with tiredness as much from the deafening sound of artillery. But we remained hidden, amongst the roots of a large cherry tree, it wasn't until I began seeing others emerge that I dared reveal myself, leaving the others to rest. Eve had somehow fallen asleep amongst the wildlife, pink blossom marking her bed. She seemed at peace.

Traipsing through what I later found out was field 1, I joined the path heading towards the main field, preparing myself mentally for what I was about to see. Even now I could spot remnants of the battle, are field clearly marked by a black pillar of smoke, the grass stained maroon with blood, in too many places to count.

Passing the forest, I could already see several of the trees smashed to pieces, the tanks doing if anything. Taking a deep breath, I approached the final bend, already smelling the rotting flesh.

I couldn't help but gasp, nothing could prepare anyone for such a sight, and yet I couldn't look away. There was not a patch of ground untouched, even the lake was dyed red towards the shore.

There were body's... If you could still call them bodies, scattered like grains of sand on a beach. Their flesh mutilated beyond recognition. Soldiers in hazmat gear were already at work gathering the dead, piling them up to be burned. Well, at least those that were left.

"You okay boy?"

I dragged my eyes from the scene, noticing the suited man nearby, his voice distorted by the mask.

"You with me son?"

I rattle my brain, attempting to clear it before responding. "Yeah I'm fine, but I got a couple of people that are hurt back there, but nothing too bad."

"Anything life threatening?"

"No, just shock and maybe a sprained leg?"

"They'll have to wait mate, go pick up a suit at the hut, and start piling the dead up."

I nodded, beginning the long journey through the blood bath, sick to the stomach. I could feel them under foot, the cracking of bones, the squelching of organs, it was almost too much. You couldn't think them as human anymore, anything but.

Upon reaching the ruins of the stand alone hut, I was ushered into the only remaining room, given a uniformed hazmat suit and mask, along with a thick pair of gloves.

"Mask first, then the jumpsuit, then the gloves."

Before I could say anything, I was moved along towards others who were doing likewise. Hesitating, I looked down at the rubbery gas mask, rolling it over in my hand. My new face. Taking a deep breath I slipped it over my head, locking it tight against my brow. I could feel the cool rubber against my skin, my vision suddenly narrowed to the small glass lenses. Taking a fresh breath I noticed the clicking and popping of values, each breath sounding more mechanical than the next. After that it didn't take long to slip on the plastic onesie and ping on the long thick gloves, adjusting the mask slightly to get a snug fit. Now it felt like a zombie apocalypse, I didn't laugh.


Silence... opening my eyes, I was immediately met by pink blossom, wisps of ginger hair traipsing across my vision. Where was I? Picking myself up I was immediately met by the sight of Sophie... wait, Sophie! "SOPHIE!" Squealing, I threw myself at the unsuspecting woman, feeling her jump as I embraced her.

"Eve! You scared the living day light out me!" She gasped, returning the embrace.

"Its so good to see you! How did I get here?"

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