Chapter- 14-Memories

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Dedicated to 

She felt herself launch into never-ending oblivion. She tried to reach the light but she couldn't, she kept trying to extend her hand but it kept going away.

 Then she saw another wisp of light and followed it. The wisp kept going further and she followed it but suddenly the wisp turned into a screen.

She saw herself in the screen, at the age of 11. But she had a wig on and she was playing with a boy on the grassland. He looked like the boy who had been in her vision earlier. He had long brown hair and ... green eyes. 

He was handsome . His eyes had little blue flecks in them and they looked like a gleaming force. The boy looked at Sophie with love in his eyes. 

She couldn't tell if it was friendship or something more but she just watched. The memory moved and the boy said, "come on Amalia, let's play tag". 

His voice sounded familiar. "Ruy" a voice in her head whispered in her head. But she just stood still. She watched as they ran behind each other, chasing each other until one was caught and the order reversed.

The scene switched to Fintan singing to his daughter. He had a magnificent voice as he sung and twirled her around the room. She was wearing a long pink nightie that flew and she twirled around with her father. 

The scene switched to her, a girl and a boy playing a prank on Fintan. The boy had red hair, the same shade as Fintan's and hers. 

He had bright blue eyes and they showed care for her. The boy looked 14 years old and acted like the a typical over-protective brother. Logan, Sophie remembered, her brother. 

 And the girl had the same hair and she looked about 6 years old. Her name was Celia, her little sister

They heard a noise in the room and then a knock. She saw the young her ready her weapons and tighten her  hands around her siblings. 

A man was outside the door and he knew we weren't opening the door so he said, "Come or your little friend won't live to see tomorrow". The voice sounded like Mr. Forkle's voice.

Young Sophie shuddered and instructed her siblings to get out the window. They told her that they wouldn't leave her alone but she said," I'll be right behind you". 

They nodded as Logan helped Celia out and they flew to the ground (They were gusters). As young Sophie saw them being safe, she locked the window and transmitted, "sorry, but I have to do this for you. I love you guys".

She turned to the door and opened it. Outside it were Mr. Forkle, a boy and Granite carrying an unconscious Ruy. Mr. Forkle came in and asked, "So the moon-lark finally came out of her nest".

 Sophie thought her plan out. Making a force-field near her and Ruy, and then getting out. She first made a force-field but as she was about to get out, her siblings burst in the window.

They distracted her force and the Black swans's boy broke the force-field ( he was a shade). Mr. Forkle saw that everyone was distracted and shot an elixir at Celia.

 Logan saw in first and his eyes widened in realization as he jumped in front of Celia. Sophie didn't notice anything but then Logan turned into a dog.

Granite caught him and said,"Moonlark, if you wan't them to live,come with us. I can turn your brother back too along with Ruy".

 But she just nodded and stepped toward the three members of the Black Swan. As soon as she reached them, the boy took his hand around her waist and pulled her closer.

She knew that she couldn't do anything but Granite chained her feet. She looked at her sister and told her that she was sorry. 

Then Mr. Forkle laughed and said," there is way to reverse the spell". Because of her rage, she pulled out a dagger and held it close the boy's neck. " Fulfill a request or he dies", she threatened. 

Mr. Forkle sighed and asked her what she needed. "He must be valuable", Sophie thought. 

She nodded, pointed at and said," my request is that you will leave them in this Neverseen base and make her the daughter of Fintan even after the memories are gone", pointing at the her siblings.Mr. Forkle nodded and excepted the deal. 

She then dropped the dagger and stood with them. The boy (I won't tell what his name is) pushed his arm around her again and then the Logan carried his sister out of the room.

 The boy pulled her closer and whispered, "we both know that you won't kill me because I know about your real identity, Amalia". She gasped.

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