Chapter 6: Mission Briefing

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"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." the Tartarusan cussed openly in front of Marshal Idriah.

"Ferro!" Marcus hissed.

Up on the screen, Idriah calmly turned her gaze upon the short, grizzled man. "I'm asking you to go there for a reason, Sergeant. One that could help us stop another war from starting out here..."

Murmurs went up around the room, both the Sorrento bridge crew and Commandos turning to each other and whispering in hushed, disparate voices. Marcus' eyes scanned the area, feeling the sting of unease stab into his chest. But he kept his voice calm.

"And what is that reason, ma'am?" he asked politely.

"The Xan-Klar Empire, Major." Idriah gave her reply with a tired expression. "A force we're both very familiar with."

Marcus gave her a nod. "Has the Empire taken any action against the Union on Sirtha Prime?"

"Surprisingly, no." The Marshal answered. "In fact, of all things, this new species seems to be growing more amiable to us at last."

"With respect, ma'am... please don't tell me we're going to be working with the Xan-Klar." Marcus, Ferro and Baker all turned to see Jennifer looking distraught.

"Would you take issue with that, Captain Sakong?" Idriah asked.

"Yes, I would!" Jenn retorted. "Their Emperor is a tyrant! We've all seen what he commands his people to do! Attacking any League ship that goes into their territory, butchering the crews without mercy, gunning down civilians in the streets!" Her voice filled the room and shook it like an earthquake, her eyes burning with anger.

But in the face of Jennifer's outburst, Idriah was unphased. "That is true, Captain, but recent evidence has shown that change may be on the horizon."

Jennifer's eyebrows pinched. "What do you mean, ma'am?"

The marshal's wrinkled lips peaked in their corners. "Two months ago, after a lot of deliberation, misunderstandings and other back-and-forth bureaucracy, Emperor Skaldrak finally agreed for the opening of a Xan-Klar embassy on Sirtha Prime. President Talugwai himself has overseen the planning and construction of the building, and when it's finished, Ambassador Louis Vidal will be meeting with a Xan-Klar representative to unveil the building and discuss future relations between our species."

"And how do we play into this?" Marcus asked.

"One of Skaldrak's demands, Major. You see, the reports of your team aiding the Xan-Klar strike teams during the Battle of Kenostros found their way back to the Emperor, and so you're now among one of the few humans the Xan-Klar people respect. And so, when the Union Senate put forward the proposal for a diplomatic overture to the Emperor, his majesty agreed to do so on one condition... that you be present at the meeting."

Something lurched through Marcus' spine when he heard that. "What? But why?"

The marshal half-smiled. "Warrior culture, Winter. From what little we know, the Xan-Klar respect three things above all else; loyalty, bravery and martial prowess. And you demonstrated all three for their own eyes to see."

Idriah's flattery fell on deaf ears as Marcus locked gazes with her. "So why did this have to be kept secret, Marshal?"

"I knew you'd ask, Major." Idriah replied, her shoulders hunching ever so slightly as a tension suddenly seemed to course through her. "Forgive me for answering a question with a question, but do any of you know about the Hand of Reclamation?"

Marcus nodded grimly. "I've heard of them. Sirthon terrorist group."

"The politically correct term is 'radicals', but yes." Idriah remarked. "Disgruntled Sirthon who want their homeworld returned to them and the Republic restored. They've made attacks in Union, Federation, Commongood and Xan-Klar territory alike on Sirtha Prime, killing civilians and converting other Sirthon to their cause."

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