Chapter 29: Departure

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"Attention on deck!"

As those words were said, every crew member present in the immediate vicinity turned and snapped to attention. Stepping out into the vast room where the shuttlecraft and supply ships were docking and leaving, Marcus, Jennifer and Ferro were greeted by the remaining members of his company, along with Captain Baker.

Marcus scanned the gathering as the sound of a departing shuttle roared nearby. A small craft was sitting before them, all stocked up and ready to take them planetside. Standing in two rows with a wide gap in between were several Sorrento officers and personnel, their presence a formal way of bidding goodbye to their passengers. Marcus' company stood nearby, in ranks and at attention, but their expressions pale and heavy with doubt.

Meanwhile, all around them, the thudding and clanking of supplies being brought aboard mixed with the gale-like howling of engines being fired up. Docked at the Sirtha Prime starbase, which constantly rotated upon its vertical axis, gravity remained aboard the Sorrento even when the ship had come to a halt. But Marcus felt lighter in his armour, the resistance that his armour usually had against his body lessening substantially. His companions seemed to notice this as well, stumbling slightly as the environ affected their gait.

However, this lighter gravity seemed to be no problem at all for Captain Baker. Turning to face Marcus, the beanpole of a man moved as if nothing had changed at all. No doubt he was used to such low gravity back home on Mars.

"Sir." He said, standing to attention and saluting the Major.

Marcus saluted back. "At, ease. Captain Baker," he said with a smile, before soon adding "At ease, all of you," as he addressed the gathering of soldiers and sailors.

The navymen and the commandos both heeded his words. Under most circumstances, Union Navy officers overruled Army personnel, and were subsequently saluted by them. However, since the Orbital Commandos were a formation that branched off from both, similar to the Void Marines, they were exempt from that rule, and their orders were heeded if the Commando's rank demanded it.

"I suppose this is farewell, sir..." Baker said, his gaze lowering down towards Marcus. Even in his armour, which made him a good five inches taller than normal, Major Winter was still shorter than the interstellar sailor. "... but if it is, let me say that it's been a true honour to have you with us."

Marcus smiled. "The honour has been ours, Captain," he replied to Baker's flattery. "So, where are you off to after this?" he asked.

"I don't know, sir." Baker admitted. "After we resupply here, we could be going anywhere between the Cartel Fringe and the Amundsen Nebula. But I'll go wherever the Union commands if it means I can defend humanity!"

Something in Baker's voice made Marcus feel that the navy officer was trying to impress him. It had that kind of forced enthusiasm that one often puts on while they're in a job interview...

"I see..." he replied. "Well, wherever you go, I wish you the very best of luck." Marcus said, taking Baker's hand and shaking it firmly.

"Aye, and you too, Major." Baker replied as he returned the shake, the veins and arteries that covered the surface of his skin contracting as he smiled. "May the solar winds guide you onward."

Marcus smiled back. After him, Baker took a few steps sideways and positioned himself in front of Jennifer and Ferro. Jenn's gloomy expression lightened slightly as she met Baker's gaze.

"It's been a pleasure knowing you, Captain Sakong." The Martian said to her.

Jennifer took his hand. "Likewise, Captain." She replied, putting on a smile to not seem ungrateful for Baker's hospitality. "Like I said before, you're welcome in Pyongyang anytime."

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