Dunning Kruger Effect

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I really don't like the fact that I have highs and lows. I don't like to stare at an empty page or an empty screen because painting the blank space with words is an art for writers. And I sometimes wonder if I'm really a writer. And then I think and think and write and write, and then it makes sense, again making me believe maybe I'm kind of a writer?

But then again, I reread my written piece and cringe to the core of my heart and realize, that yes, I'm indeed a bad writer. That's not going to stop me from writing, though. That's definitely not going to stop me from thinking of new ideas and possibilities for my stories no matter how crappy it comes to be.

When I hear praises for other writers and I hear none, I think that, hey I want some praise for my writing too. Am I really that bad ? :(

You know what happens then? I again realize, that I'm writing for myself, and not for praises or for money (okay maybe some recognition is appreciated but I don't solely depend on that). All I'm doing is writing for myself. Sharing my words, in hopes that it touches at the least one heart which really needs to read or hear the words at that moment.

Okay, phew! An honest rant :)

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