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The most scary thing for a writer is a blank page or a screen. It's frustrating to see that the blank, empty space is staring back at you, haunting you, telling you that you cannot and will not be a writer. Because you just aren't made for it.

It's that phase where you just can't come up with words. It's where many writers give up and leave the blank space empty.

You can't help but cry, you can't help but be agitated.

Why can't you string words so beautifully that the readers are smitten by your skill? Why can't you just think of new ways to present a story? Why can't you just write, write and write?

I know how you feel, I have went through the same thing. I want to tell you I know these fears, these frustrations, the agitations. I know that you want to improve. I know you want to be better.

Let's be better together :)

I have found a way which may or may not help you, but let's share our fears, our frustrations, our tips, how we deal with writers' block with each other.

I have reached out to some of the amazing writers I know on this platform, fanfiction writers or not, to talk about their struggles, their journey through interviews.

I'm going to interview each one of them individually and then see how I can put it into seperate chapters so that all of you can get some help with it.

I'm going to ask them seperate questions (I still need to do my research about those questions), I'm not sure how I'm going to do it but I'll keep all of you guys updated about it. :)

And I really hope this helps all of you!! 💕

The writers who so gracefully accepted this request are:

Not to be dramatic, but I would give up my choco ice-cream for all of you ✋🤧thank you so much for helping me in this project, you guys 🥺

I'm not able to mention more people on the chapter for some reason.

Thank you SO much, Wattpad 🥰🥰

So if you don't find your name here then it must be because it's in the comments, and if you don't find it in the comments as well, then it either means you haven't seen my message on your mb or  I haven't asked you yet so please keep checking your mb for this annoying lady 👀

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