Love Is The Only Answer

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What do you do when you face hate? Or even criticism?

taehphoria : I stare at it for a good long time. i try to understand where it's coming from and then move on. i may feel terrible but i don't engage. i specifically don't like criticism about my characters. if that occurs, i usually reply with something to back up my characters.

tropicalxsabotage : Reply back to the person, probably get into an argument, then block because ya girl gotta protect her peace 🧘🏻‍♀️😌🧿

hiseyestell : My writing is flawed. In some ways, my books suck. And I have to deal with it! No one starts being a perfect writer. There's nothing wrong in accepting criticism if it's intended to make me a better one. I always take it into consideration. Sure, it will hurt at first. But some of the *constructive* criticisms can actually help me grow. So, I tell myself to suck it up and write! Well, of course, if I find unnecessary hate, I ignore it. : Since I'm a small writer and people rarely comment on my books, I haven't received any hate comments or criticism.

jjkskiess : Personally didn't come across any because I'm not that well read of an author. It was just a lot of support and lovely comments. But if I did receive anything I would've taken it constructive and understand that it's not personal.

inbabypink : So far, I've never received hate comments. Yeay? Hahaha. I know it's probably because I only have one book. Some comments showed how some people feel irritated towards the character's acts but never anything serious. But If I ever get any, well, I think it depends on how they decided to voice the hate. Is it reasonable? Is it tolerable? Or is it just total hate with no valid reason? I'm a very realistic person. If someone's being nice, I will be nicer. Vice versa. As a swiftie (a fan of Taylor Swift, just in case you didn't know), I live by her words: "And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Just shake it off!" :D

But criticism though, I need them. I can't say that critics never made me down but in the end, that's what I need so I can do better. So, please do send your criticism to me. Of course, send them with a kiss too. If possible :*

aarmiy : I haven't faced this as such, so it might be easy for me to say, but I check the validity of the person saying it. If I know this person is just trying to make me feel bad about myself when others have only good things to say, and I have nothing to do with them or to work out with them... The delete button exists for a reason LMAO I'm not wasting my time. As for criticism, I've been defensive in the one or two times someone's come forth with it, but they didn't even reply so... again... delete button PFFF When it comes to genuine discourse on your work and trying to improve, it's good to seek out criticism yourself in book reviews etc. because, first of all, you know it's well intentioned which makes it a nice way of toughening up before facing it in a more unwarranted or unexpected situation. Best thing you can do is remain calm, ask yourself if you think you've done anything that's actually wrong (in a toxic sense), and if you know you haven't just keep to yourself. You don't have to change other people's minds - they might even change on their own later. If you do have doubts, or something you wish to clarify in case you've been misunderstood, keep your response as short as possible. Don't waste more energy on it than you have to, especially since it might seem a bigger deal to you than what the other person felt/intended. : I mute the users (:

ennkay_ : If it's hateful, delete the comment and move on. As for criticism, I've had people give harsh feedback, but obviously I try to not let it get to me. At the end of the day, it's supposed to help me become a better writer, so I try to look at it positively.

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