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You would often feel the pressure to write a story. The pressure might be from yourself or from your readers or even because of your situation.

Were you pressured to write things for your readers or did you always write for yourself?  For instance, something you didn't want to write, say, a smut only because the readers like it and not because you like it?

@tropicalxsabotage :  has been times where readers want this thing to happen or that thing to happen, so I guess I have felt pressured? Just so I can satisfy them and stuff, but at the end of the day I write what will satisfy me

teaa_mi :  It might seem selfish to some, but I always write for myself.

There isn't a single scene in my work that is pressured nor will there be any. I am open to ideas and suggestions, but will never condone forced scenes from anyone. If they want it written so badly, then they can go ahead and do it themselves, I won't be stopping them (if it doesn't include copyright infringement, then they'll deal with me legally). No one likes being told what to do, even if someone on the outside clearly sees a better option.

We all have our opinions and should respect and treat others as we expect to be treated. Advice is welcome, but turning a blind eye to someone else's voice is not acceptable.

Moycheko : I mostly write what I like, or what feels right for the story, but I am also thinking about what the readers would like. On the other hand, I am fairly new and am still small (only 96 followers) compared to other big authors like Cupid or Bubbles, so I didn't really have the situation where body asked me to write something I didn't want. And even if they did, I would still write what I wanted.

lovelyandbubbly : This is a tricky question and if I am being honest, yes I did write a book for the sake of the readers, but that was once, and I still struggle with the idea of taking it down. I was new to wattpad, and people wanted a Yoongi book, one full of spice and I did just that. It got to the point I wasnt enjoying the plot so I ended it as briefly as I could and that was the first and last time I didnt write for myself. After that incident all the books I have been putting on the app are something I work hard of, I had to remind myself why I started sharing my ideas.

SakuLee26 : No I never felt pressured about the readers. I always write what I want in my stories. I think I'm too "small" to face such things.  I do have a handful loyal readers and they're all amazing human beings.

penbangtan : I do feel the pressure to write the things both for myself and the readers. With the writing process I have, I feel like it needs to be comfortable for both the readers and myself because at the end of the day the happiness in the piece should be the writer’s  so that that happiness can be radiated within the writing piece itself and thus bringing joy on the readers’ face ! When I edit the stories and poetry, there are surely some pieces with which I don’t feel confident about and it ends up getting deleted, making me and everyone feel sad. Remember we all learn slowly and steadily!!

CupcakeShae : No, I haven't and I will not. I don't write smut and after getting asked about it many times I mentioned it on my profile to save people from the inconvenience of messaging and asking me about smut. I was told that it'll increase my readership but few readers are okay to me as I'm not comfortable writing it.  Apart from that, the answer is the same, I haven't written anything because readers wanted me to. 

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