Count 68: List & Plan

Start from the beginning

"So, kau ada alasan kenapa kau perlu aku ikut kau hari ni?" Soal Azumi.

"You're quick. Well, the person we gonna meet is Trevor." Balas Leon tersenyum.

"That Nightmare?" Soal Azumi.

"Yeah. I need some protection from you."

"Merciless Phantom need some protection from me? This is must be a joke right?" Soal Azumi tersengih.

"Did my face saying that I'm joking right now?" Soal Leon.

"Hah..Fine...So, when we will meet him?" Soal Azumi.

"In ten minutes. I need to do dishes first."


Sepuluh minit kemudian, Leon yang sudah selesai melakukan apa yang tersisa kini memakai pakaian serba hitam. Azumi pula memakai seluar jeans, berbaju putih dan berjaket warna hitam. Tanduk di dahinya hilang dan gaya rambutnya ialah ponytail. Tidak kurang juga tiga bilah katana miliknya disisip di belakang.

"Jom." Kata Leon.

Mereka menuju ke satu tempat yang ditetapkan oleh mesej yang diterima dari penghantar bernama Trevor.

Tidak lama kemudian, mereka tiba di hadapan sebuah gudang lama yang terbiar.

Tanpa berfikir panjang, mereka segera masuk. Sebaik sahaja mereka memasuki gudang lama itu, mayat bergelimpangan menjadi santapan mata.

"its been a while, Merciless Phantom." Tegur seseorang.

"Yo, Rank 2, Nightmare." Balas Leon sambil memandang ke arah seorang lelaki.

"So, alasan untuk mayat-mayat ni?" Soal Leon.

"Well, you know they come for my head because of the bounty." Balas lelaki itu.

"Hah? Bounty? Since when, Trevor?" Soal Leon.

"Since I killed Lord Dawson in Dawnshade Kingdom."

"Kau memang selalu cari cara untuk bunuh diri, you suicide maniac."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Balas Trevor tersenyum.

"So, about the list."

"Yeah about that. I need you to see this.." Kata Trevor lalu melempar sesuatu.

Muncul muka Thierry dalam bentuk hologram serta kuasa yang boleh dia gunakan.

"Weww. That fucking long. Is this the power that he stole from another Human-weapon?" Soal Leon.

"Indeed. And this is the list about the other members."

Muncul pula senarai nama yang agak panjang. Leon membaca satu persatu senarai nama itu dan dia berhenti apabila mengenali 2 nama daripada senarai nama itu.

"Vincent Lee dan Ally Isabella? I see.." Kata Leon lalu mengusap dagu.

"Kenapa? Kau kenal?" Soal Azumi selamba.

"Kenal. Kenal sangat-sangat. Mereka berdua ni pelajar di Akademi Kristal. Really....This make me gonna laugh.." Kata Leon tersengih.


"Fine! I'm gonna play with this game. To think that they can fool me just like that. Hahahahahahah!! That Thierry guy really interesting!" Kata Leon tersengih kejam.

"So, what are you gonna do now? Want me to hunt that guy?" Soal Trevor.

"No need. It will be dangerous for your Partner, Trevor. Its okay. By the way, where is Sophie?" Soal Leon.

"She still sleep in hotel that we book." Balas Trevor tersengih.

"Hah..Really, to think you have such useful information..."

"Hurm..I think I killed one of the member from that organization. That's why I know what, why and the list of Human-weapon they gonna kidnap. By the way, your Partner are their top priority." Balas Trevor tersengih.

"Hmmm..I see.." Balas Leon tersenyum.

"Hey, Leon...What will you gonna do?" Soal Azumi.

"You want to kill them?" Soal Leon.

"I don't care. But, you will answer when Syceil-nee ask me.."

"That will be troublesome. So, Trevor. I'm offer you right now."

"Ouho...And what kind of offer that might be?" Soal Trevor.

"I will pay you 500,000 bucks. And you will join me to kill all of them in this list." Kata Leon membuka tawaran.

"500K bucks? That kinda cheap." Balas Trevor mengusap dagu sambil memandang ke arah Leon dengan satu pandangan tersirat.

"Penginapan, makan dan minum aku yang tanggung."

"Alright. I accept your offer." Balas Trevor tersenyum.

"Kau nak tumpangkan dia di rumah kau?" Soal Azumi berbisik.

"Aku bukan bodoh, Azumi. Jangan risau. Semua aku akan uruskan hari ni." Balas Leon tersenyum.

"Alright. Suit to yourself." Kata Azumi.


"So, when we will start our hunting festival, Phantom?" Soal Trevor berserta satu sengihan sinis.

"When you got call from me, Nightmare."


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Yo, amacam dengan chapter kali ni? Seseorang bernama Trevor telah muncul.

Dia datang dengan membawa semua maklumat penting. Dan dia juga merupakan di tangga kedua!

Ingin tahu mengenai kuasanya dan gelaran miliknya? Semua tu akan terjawab di chapter akan datang.

So, amacan dengan chapter ni?

Okay atau meh?

Komen di ruangan komen tersedia. Alright guys?

And tidak ada laa yg minta update cepat lagi eh? Eh? Eh?


Itu sahaja dari aku.


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